The page
CSS property is used to specify the named page, a specific type of page defined by the @page
If there are multiple selectors that are using a named page consecutively then a forced page break using break-after
may be needed.
/* set a named page */
page: exampleName;
page: chapterIntro;
/* Use ancestors named page */
page: auto; /* default value */
/* Global values */
page: inherit;
page: initial;
page: revert;
page: revert-layer;
page: unset;
Default value. Use the value of the nearest ancestor with a non-
value. If no ancestor has a named page value set, the used value for auto is the empty string. <custom-ident>
Case-sensitive name defined in a
Formal definition
Initial value | auto |
Applies to | block-level elements in the normal flow of the root element. User agents may also apply it to other elements like table-row elements. |
Inherited | no |
Computed value | as specified |
Animation type | discrete |
Formal syntax
page =
auto |
Named page example
In this example, there are two parts to this HTML; print controls and the content to be printed.
The print controls allow the user to select how the section
s in the article
will be printed.
<!-- print options in a fieldset -->
<fieldset id="printStyle">
<legend>How would you like to print</legend>
<label for="single">
<input type="radio" id="single" name="type" value="single" checked />
No Pages
<label for="grouped">
<input type="radio" id="grouped" name="type" value="grouped" />Pages with
Grouped Chapters
<label for="paged">
<input type="radio" id="paged" name="type" value="paged" />
Chapters Paged
<button id="print">Print</button>
<!-- Content to be printed -->
<article id="print-area" data-print="single">
<section id="toc">
<h2>Table of contents</h2>
<li>Chapter One - named pages</li>
<li>Chapter Two - page orientation</li>
<li>Chapter Three - page margins</li>
<section id="foreword">
This book is all about how the CSS <code>@page</code> at-rule can help
with printing HTML books.
<section id="introduction">
This book is a concept to show how an <em>HTML</em> document can easily be
printed out in pages.
<section id="chapter1" class="chapter">
<h2>Named pages</h2>
<p>Lorem ipsum</p>
<section id="chapter2" class="chapter">
<h2>Page Orientation</h2>
<p>Lorem ipsum</p>
<section id="chapter3" class="chapter">
<h2>Page Margins</h2>
<p>There are 16 page margins that can be set:</p>
<p>They can be used to show what appears in these parts of the margin</p>
<section id="conclusion">
<p>Now go ahead and write books.</p>
The first part of the CSS sets up the named pages, these include the size and orientation and also some content to go in the @top-center
margin of the printed pages.
@page toc {
size: a4 portrait;
@top-center {
content: "Table of contents";
@page foreword {
size: a4 portrait;
@top-center {
content: "Foreword";
@page introduction {
size: a4 portrait;
@top-center {
content: "Introduction";
@page conclusion {
size: a4 portrait;
@top-center {
content: "Conclusion";
@page chapter {
size: a4 landscape;
@top-center {
content: "Chapter";
The next part of the CSS uses attribute selectors to apply the print dimensions, orientation, and margins defined in the named @page
rules defined in the previous CSS section to elements using the page
The sections with class="chapter"
are concurrent and appear as one page.
The break-after: page;
is used to split them up, which splits each chapter into a separately printed page.
@media print {
fieldset {
display: none;
section {
font-size: 2rem;
font-family: Roboto;
.chapter {
border: tomato 2px solid;
[data-print="grouped"] > #toc,
[data-print="paged"] > #toc {
page: toc;
font-family: Courier;
[data-print="grouped"] > #foreword,
[data-print="paged"] > #foreword {
page: foreword;
font-family: Courier;
[data-print="grouped"] > #introduction,
[data-print="paged"] > #introduction {
page: introduction;
font-family: Courier;
[data-print="grouped"] > #conclusion,
[data-print="paged"] > #conclusion {
page: conclusion;
font-family: Courier;
[data-print="grouped"] > .chapter,
[data-print="paged"] > .chapter {
page: chapter;
[data-print="paged"] > .chapter {
border: none;
break-after: page;
.chapter > ul {
columns: 2;
The JavaScript updates the value of the data-print
attribute, which is the attribute on which the named page is applied, when you select a different printing option:
const printArea = document.querySelector("#print-area");
const printButton = document.querySelector("#print");
const printOption = document.querySelector("#printStyle");
printOption.addEventListener("change", (event) => {
if ( === "single") {
printArea.dataset.print = "single";
} else if ( === "grouped") {
printArea.dataset.print = "grouped";
} else {
printArea.dataset.print = "paged";
printButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
What is printed, and what is shown in the print preview dialog, will change depending on which print style radio button is selected:
Specification |
CSS Paged Media Module Level 3 # using-named-pages |