
Baseline Widely available

This feature is well established and works across many devices and browser versions. It’s been available across browsers since January 2020.

The font-variant-east-asian CSS property controls the use of alternate glyphs for East Asian scripts, like Japanese and Chinese.

Try it


font-variant-east-asian: normal;
font-variant-east-asian: ruby;
font-variant-east-asian: jis78; /* <east-asian-variant-values> */
font-variant-east-asian: jis83; /* <east-asian-variant-values> */
font-variant-east-asian: jis90; /* <east-asian-variant-values> */
font-variant-east-asian: jis04; /* <east-asian-variant-values> */
font-variant-east-asian: simplified; /* <east-asian-variant-values> */
font-variant-east-asian: traditional; /* <east-asian-variant-values> */
font-variant-east-asian: full-width; /* <east-asian-width-values> */
font-variant-east-asian: proportional-width; /* <east-asian-width-values> */
font-variant-east-asian: ruby full-width jis83;

/* Global values */
font-variant-east-asian: inherit;
font-variant-east-asian: initial;
font-variant-east-asian: revert;
font-variant-east-asian: revert-layer;
font-variant-east-asian: unset;



This keyword leads to the deactivation of the use of such alternate glyphs.


This keyword forces the use of special glyphs for ruby characters. As these are usually smaller, font creators often designs specific forms, usually slightly bolder to improve the contrast. This keyword corresponds to the OpenType values ruby.


These values specify a set of logographic glyph variants which should be used for display. Possible values are:

Keyword Standard defining the glyphs OpenType equivalent
jis78 JIS X 0208:1978 jp78
jis83 JIS X 0208:1983 jp83
jis90 JIS X 0208:1990 jp90
jis04 JIS X 0213:2004 jp04
simplified None, use the simplified Chinese glyphs smpl
traditional None, use the traditional Chinese glyphs trad

These values control the sizing of figures used for East Asian characters. Two values are possible:

  • proportional-width activating the set of East Asian characters which vary in width. It corresponds to the OpenType values pwid.
  • full-width activating the set of East Asian characters which are all of the same, roughly square, width metric. It corresponds to the OpenType values fwid.

Formal definition

Initial valuenormal
Applies toall elements and text. It also applies to ::first-letter and ::first-line.
Computed valueas specified
Animation typediscrete

Formal syntax

font-variant-east-asian = 
normal |
[ <east-asian-variant-values> || <east-asian-width-values> || ruby ]

<east-asian-variant-values> =
jis78 |
jis83 |
jis90 |
jis04 |
simplified |

<east-asian-width-values> =
full-width |


Setting East Asian glyph variants

This example require font "Yu Gothic" installed in your OS, other fonts may not support OpenType features.


  <tbody style="border:0;">
      <td class="jis78">麹町</td>
      <td class="ruby">しんかんせん</td>
      <td class="traditional">大学</td>


td {
  font-family: "Yu Gothic";
  font-size: 20px;
th {
  color: grey;
  padding-right: 10px;

.ruby {
  font-variant-east-asian: ruby;

.jis78 {
  font-variant-east-asian: jis78;

.traditional {
  font-variant-east-asian: traditional;



CSS Fonts Module Level 4
# font-variant-east-asian-prop

Browser compatibility

See also