SQL Injection

SQL injection takes advantage of Web apps that fail to validate user input. Hackers can maliciously pass SQL commands through the Web app for execution by a backend database.

SQL injection can gain unauthorized access to a database or to retrieve information directly from the database. Many data breaches are due to SQL injection.

Pie chart of most common vulnerabilities: SQL Injection is responsible for 50% of vulnerabilities, Cross Site Scripting is responsible for 42% of vulnerabilities, Source Code Disclosure is responsible for 7% of vulnerabilities.

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How It Works

Screenshot of the login form with username and password fields

After entering username and password, behind the GUI the SQL queries work as follows:

"SELECT Count(*) FROM Users WHERE Username=' " + txt.User.Text+" ' AND Password=' "+ txt.Password.Text+" ' ";

Now suppose User enters the Username: admin and Password: passwd123, so after clicking on the Log in button, SQL query will run as follows:

"SELECT Count(*) FROM Users WHERE Username=' admin ' AND Password=' passwd123 ' ";

If the credentials are correct, then the user is allowed to log in, so it's a very simple (and therefore insecure) mechanism. Hackers use this insecurity to gain unauthorized access.

Hackers use a simple string called a Magical String, for example:

Username: admin

Password: anything 'or'1'='1

After clicking on the login button, the SQL query will work as follows:

"SELECT Count(*) FROM Users WHERE Username=' admin ' AND Password=' anything 'or'1'='1 ' ";

Just take a closer look at the above query's password section.

Password=' anything 'or'1'='1 '

The password is not 'anything', hence password=anything results in FALSE, but '1'='1' is a TRUE statement and hence returns a TRUE value. Finally, due to the OR operator, the value (FALSE OR TRUE) is TRUE, so authentication bypasses successfully. Just due to a simple string (Magical String) the entire database is compromised.

How To Prevent

Before executing the queries for the user credentials, make some changes like the following:

$id = $_GET['id']

(1) $id = Stripslashes($id)

(2) $id = mysql_real_escape_String($id)

So due to (1) each single quote (') in the input string is replaced with double quotes ("), and due to (2) before every (') it adds (/). The revised magical string fails to bypass the authentication, and your database stays secure.

See also