속성은 하나의 키워드를 지정해 시스템 폰트를 사용하도록 설정할 수도 있고, 여러 글꼴 관련 속성의 단축 속성으로도 사용할 수 있습니다.
를 시스템 폰트 키워드로 사용하려면 caption
, icon
, menu
, message-box
, small-caption
, status-bar
중 하나를 사용해야 합니다.
를 단축 속성으로 사용하려면,
다음 속성의 값을 포함해야 합니다.
다음 속성의 값을 포함할 수 있습니다.
, font-variant
, font-weight
는 font-size
의 앞에 와야 합니다.
는 CSS 2.1에서 정의한 normal
과 small-caps
만 사용할 수 있습니다.
는 font-size
바로 다음에 와야 하며 "/"로 구분해야 합니다. 예: "16px/3
는 마지막 값이어야 합니다.
시스템 폰트 키워드
버튼, 드랍다운 메뉴 등 설명이 붙은 컨트롤에 사용하는 시스템 폰트.
아이콘 이름에 사용하는 시스템 폰트.
드랍다운 메뉴, 메뉴 리스트 등 메뉴에서 사용하는 시스템 폰트.
다이얼로그 창에 사용하는 폰트.
소형 컨트롤에 사용하는 시스템 폰트.
창의 상태표시줄에 사용하는 시스템 폰트.
추가 시스템 폰트 키워드
각 브라우저마다 더 많은 키워드를 접두사와 함께 구현하고 있습니다. Gecko는 -moz-window
, -moz-document
, -moz-desktop
, -moz-info
, -moz-dialog
, -moz-button
, -moz-pull-down-menu
, -moz-list
, -moz-field
를 가지고 있습니다.
p {
font : 12px/14px sans-serif;
p {
font : 80% sans-serif;
p {
font : bold italic large serif;
p {
font : status-bar;
< p>
Change the radio buttons below to see the generated shorthand and its effect.
</ p>
< form action = " createShortHand()" >
< div class = " cf" >
< div class = " setPropCont" >
font-style< br />
< input
type = " radio"
id = " font-style-none"
name = " font_style"
checked = " "
value = " "
onchange = " setCss ( ) " />
< label for = " font-style-none" > none</ label> < br />
< input
type = " radio"
id = " font-style-normal"
name = " font_style"
value = " normal"
onchange = " setCss ( ) " />
< label for = " font-style-normal" > normal</ label> < br />
< input
type = " radio"
id = " font-style-italic"
name = " font_style"
value = " italic"
onchange = " setCss ( ) " />
< label for = " font-style-italic" > italic</ label> < br />
< input
type = " radio"
id = " font-style-oblique"
name = " font_style"
value = " oblique"
onchange = " setCss ( ) " />
< label for = " font-style-oblique" > oblique</ label>
</ div>
< div class = " setPropCont" >
font-variant< br />
< input
type = " radio"
id = " font-variant-none"
name = " font_variant"
checked = " "
value = " "
onchange = " setCss ( ) " />
< label for = " font-variant-none" > none</ label> < br />
< input
type = " radio"
id = " font-variant-normal"
name = " font_variant"
value = " normal"
onchange = " setCss ( ) " />
< label for = " font-variant-normal" > normal</ label> < br />
< input
type = " radio"
id = " font-variant-small-caps"
name = " font_variant"
value = " small-caps"
onchange = " setCss ( ) " />
< label for = " font-variant-small-caps" > small-caps</ label>
</ div>
< div class = " setPropCont" >
font-weight< br />
< input
type = " radio"
id = " font-weight-none"
name = " font_weight"
value = " "
onchange = " setCss ( ) " />
< label for = " font-weight-none" > none</ label> < br />
< input
type = " radio"
id = " font-weight-normal"
checked = " "
name = " font_weight"
value = " 400"
onchange = " setCss ( ) " />
< label for = " font-weight-normal" > normal</ label> < br />
< input
type = " radio"
id = " font-weight-bold"
name = " font_weight"
value = " 700"
onchange = " setCss ( ) " />
< label for = " font-weight-bold" > bold</ label>
</ div>
< div class = " setPropCont" >
font-size< br />
< input
type = " radio"
id = " font-size-12px"
name = " font_size"
value = " 12px"
onchange = " setCss ( ) " />
< label for = " font-size-12px" > 12px</ label> < br />
< input
type = " radio"
id = " font-size-16px"
name = " font_size"
value = " 16px"
checked = " "
onchange = " setCss ( ) " />
< label for = " font-size-16px" > 16px</ label> < br />
< input
type = " radio"
id = " font-size-24px"
name = " font_size"
value = " 24px"
onchange = " setCss ( ) " />
< label for = " font-size-24px" > 24px</ label>
</ div>
< div class = " setPropCont" >
line-height< br />
< input
type = " radio"
id = " line-height-none"
name = " line_height"
checked = " "
value = " "
onchange = " setCss ( ) " />
< label for = " line-height-none" > none</ label> < br />
< input
type = " radio"
id = " line-height-1.2"
name = " line_height"
value = " /1.2"
onchange = " setCss ( ) " />
< label for = " line-height-1.2" > 1.2</ label> < br />
< input
type = " radio"
id = " line-height-3"
name = " line_height"
value = " /3"
onchange = " setCss ( ) " />
< label for = " line-height-3" > 3</ label>
</ div>
< br />
< div class = " setPropCont fontfamily" >
font-family< br />
< input
type = " radio"
id = " font-family-courier"
name = " font_family"
checked = " "
value = " courier"
onchange = " setCss ( 5 , 'courier' ) " />
< label for = " font-family-courier" > courier</ label> < br />
< input
type = " radio"
id = " font-family-serif"
name = " font_family"
value = " serif"
onchange = " setCss ( ) " />
< label for = " font-family-serif" > serif</ label> < br />
< input
type = " radio"
id = " font-family-sans-serif"
name = " font_family"
value = " sans-serif"
onchange = " setCss ( ) " />
< label for = " font-family-sans-serif" > sans-serif</ label> < br />
< input
type = " radio"
id = " font-family-arial"
name = " font_family"
value = " arial"
onchange = " setCss ( ) " />
< label for = " font-family-arial" > Arial</ label> < br />
< input
type = " radio"
id = " font-family-monospace"
name = " font_family"
value = " monospace"
onchange = " setCss ( ) " />
< label for = " font-family-monospace" > monospace</ label> < br />
< input
type = " radio"
id = " font-family-cursive"
name = " font_family"
value = " cursive"
onchange = " setCss ( ) " />
< label for = " font-family-cursive" > cursive</ label> < br />
< input
type = " radio"
id = " font-family-fantasy"
name = " font_family"
value = " fantasy"
onchange = " setCss ( ) " />
< label for = " font-family-fantasy" > fantasy</ label> < br />
< input
type = " radio"
id = " font-family-system-ui"
name = " font_family"
value = " system-ui"
onchange = " setCss ( ) " />
< label for = " font-family-system-ui" > system-ui</ label> < br />
</ div>
</ div>
< div class = " cf propInputs" >
< div class = " propInputCont tar" > font :</ div>
< div class = " propInputCont" >
< input type = " text" class = " curCss" id = " input_font_style" /> < br />
font-style < br />
</ div>
< div class = " propInputCont" >
< input type = " text" class = " curCss" id = " input_font_variant" /> < br />
font-variant < br />
</ div>
< div class = " propInputCont" >
< input type = " text" class = " curCss" id = " input_font_weight" /> < br />
font-weight < br />
</ div>
< div class = " propInputCont" >
< input type = " text" class = " curCss mandatory" id = " input_font_size" /> < br />
font-size < br />
</ div>
< div class = " propInputCont" >
< input type = " text" class = " curCss" id = " input_line_height" /> < br />
line-height < br />
</ div>
< div class = " propInputCont" >
< input type = " text" class = " curCss mandatory" id = " input_font_family" />
< br />
font-family < br />
</ div>
</ div>
</ form>
< div class = " fontShortHand" > This is some sample text.</ div>
< br /> < br /> < br /> < br /> < br /> < br />
input {
font : 14px arial;
overflow : hidden;
.propInputCont {
float : left;
text-align : center;
margin-right : 5px;
width : 80px;
.setPropCont {
float : left;
margin-right : 5px;
width : 120px;
.setPropCont {
margin-bottom : 1em;
.curCss {
border : none;
border-bottom : 1px solid black;
text-align : center;
width : 80px;
.mandatory {
border-bottom-color : red;
.cf:after {
content : " " ;
display : table;
.cf:after {
clear : both;
.tar {
width : 40px;
text-align : right;
.fontfamily {
display : inline-block;
const textAreas = document. getElementsByClassName ( "curCss" ) ;
function getProperties ( ) {
return (
` ${ getCheckedValue ( "font_style" ) } ` +
` ${ getCheckedValue ( "font_variant" ) } ` +
` ${ getCheckedValue ( "font_weight" ) } ` +
` ${ getCheckedValue ( "font_size" ) } ` +
` ${ getCheckedValue ( "line_height" ) } ` +
` ${ getCheckedValue ( "font_family" ) } `
) ;
function getCheckedValue ( radioName ) {
const radios = document. forms[ 0 ] . elements[ radioName] ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < radios. length; i++ ) {
if ( radios[ i] . checked) {
const curElemName = ` input_ ${ radioName} ` ;
const curElem = document. getElementById ( curElemName) ;
curElem. value = radios[ i] . value;
return radios[ i] . value;
function setCss ( ) {
getProperties ( ) ;
injectCss ( shortText) ;
function injectCss ( cssFragment ) {
const old = document. body. getElementsByTagName ( "style" ) ;
if ( old. length > 1 ) {
old[ 1 ] . parentElement. removeChild ( old[ 1 ] ) ;
css = document. createElement ( "style" ) ;
css. textContent = ` .fontShortHand{font: ${ cssFragment} } ` ;
document. body. appendChild ( css) ;
setCss ( ) ;
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