WebGL2RenderingContext: uniform[1234][uif][v]() method

Baseline Widely available

This feature is well established and works across many devices and browser versions. It’s been available across browsers since September 2021.

Note: This feature is available in Web Workers.

The WebGL2RenderingContext.uniform[1234][uif][v]() methods of the WebGL API specify values of uniform variables.

The names of these methods are formed by:

  • The number of components in the uniform variable (1, 2, 3, or 4).
  • The type of the uniform variable (i for integer, f for float, ui for unsigned integer).
  • The presence of a vector (v) suffix for vector types.

They can be matched by the regex uniform[1234](u?i|f)v?.

Most of these signatures are inherited from the WebGL 1 API. WebGL 2 adds the unsigned integer versions, and the additional srcOffset and srcLength parameters to the vector methods.


uniform1ui(location, v0)
uniform2ui(location, v0, v1)
uniform3ui(location, v0, v1, v2)
uniform4ui(location, v0, v1, v2, v3)

uniform1fv(location, data)
uniform1fv(location, data, srcOffset)
uniform1fv(location, data, srcOffset, srcLength)

uniform2fv(location, data)
uniform2fv(location, data, srcOffset)
uniform2fv(location, data, srcOffset, srcLength)

uniform3fv(location, data)
uniform3fv(location, data, srcOffset)
uniform3fv(location, data, srcOffset, srcLength)

uniform4fv(location, data)
uniform4fv(location, data, srcOffset)
uniform4fv(location, data, srcOffset, srcLength)

uniform1iv(location, data)
uniform1iv(location, data, srcOffset)
uniform1iv(location, data, srcOffset, srcLength)

uniform2iv(location, data)
uniform2iv(location, data, srcOffset)
uniform2iv(location, data, srcOffset, srcLength)

uniform3iv(location, data)
uniform3iv(location, data, srcOffset)
uniform3iv(location, data, srcOffset, srcLength)

uniform4iv(location, data)
uniform4iv(location, data, srcOffset)
uniform4iv(location, data, srcOffset, srcLength)

uniform1uiv(location, data)
uniform1uiv(location, data, srcOffset)
uniform1uiv(location, data, srcOffset, srcLength)

uniform2uiv(location, data)
uniform2uiv(location, data, srcOffset)
uniform2uiv(location, data, srcOffset, srcLength)

uniform3uiv(location, data)
uniform3uiv(location, data, srcOffset)
uniform3uiv(location, data, srcOffset, srcLength)

uniform4uiv(location, data)
uniform4uiv(location, data, srcOffset)
uniform4uiv(location, data, srcOffset, srcLength)



A WebGLUniformLocation object containing the location of the uniform attribute to modify.

data, v0, v1, v2, v3

A new value to be used for the uniform variable. Possible types:

  • A Number for unsigned integer values (methods with ui), for integer values (methods with i), or for floats (methods with f).
  • A Uint32Array (or an Array of unsigned integer numbers) for unsigned integer vector methods (methods with uiv).
  • A Int32Array (or an Array of integer numbers) for integer vector methods (methods with iv).
  • A Float32Array (or an Array of numbers) for floating point vector methods (methods with fv).
srcOffset Optional

A non-negative integer specifying the index of the first element in the data array to be used. Defaults to 0.

srcLength Optional

A non-negative integer specifying the number of elements in the data array to be used. Defaults to 0, which gets treated as data.length - srcOffset. srcOffset + srcLength must be less than or equal to data.length.

Return value

None (undefined).


WebGL 2.0 Specification
# 3.7.8

Browser compatibility

See also