TypeError: null/undefined has no properties

The JavaScript exception "null (or undefined) has no properties" occurs when you attempt to access properties of null and undefined. They don't have any.


TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'x') (V8-based)
TypeError: Cannot destructure 'x' as it is undefined. (V8-based)
TypeError: Cannot destructure property 'x' of 'y' as it is undefined. (V8-based)
TypeError: null has no properties (Firefox)
TypeError: undefined has no properties (Firefox)
TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'undefined.x') (Safari)
TypeError: Right side of assignment cannot be destructured (Safari)

Error type

What went wrong?

Both null and undefined have no properties you could access. Therefore, you cannot use property accessors on them, or destructure them.


null and undefined have no properties

// TypeError: null has no properties

// TypeError: undefined has no properties

See also