-moz-appearance (-webkit-appearance)
Baseline Widely available *
This feature is well established and works across many devices and browser versions. It’s been available across browsers since March 2022.
* Some parts of this feature may have varying levels of support.
No estándar: Esta característica no es parte de los estándares. No la uses en sitios Web en producción: no funcionará para todos los usuarios. Podrían haber también incompatibilidades considerables entre distintas implementaciones y el comportamiento podría cambiar en el futuro.
La propiedad CSS -moz-appearance
se utiliza en Gecko (Firefox) para visualizar un elemento utilizando una plataforma nativa basada en el estilo del tema del sistema operativo.
Esta propiedad es frecuentemente utilizada en hojas de estilo XUL para diseñar widgets personalizados con un estilo apropiado a la plataforma. También se utiliza en las implementaciones XBL de los widgets que se arman en la plataforma Mozilla.
Nota: No utilizar esta propiedad en sitios Web: no sólo porque no es estándar, sinó porque su comportamiento cambia de un navegador a otro. Incluso la palabra clave none
no tiene el mismo comportamiento en cada elemento de formulario a través de diferentes navegadores, y alguno no la soporta en absoluto.
Valor inicial | none |
Applies to | all elements |
Heredable | no |
Valor calculado | como se especifica |
Animation type | discrete |
/* Lista parcial de valores válidos en Gecko */
-moz-appearance: none;
-moz-appearance: button;
-moz-appearance: checkbox;
-moz-appearance: scrollbarbutton-up;
/* Lista parcial de valores válidos en WebKit/Blink */
-webkit-appearance: none;
-webkit-appearance: button;
-webkit-appearance: checkbox;
-webkit-appearance: scrollbarbutton-up;
es una de las siguientes palabras clave:
Value | Description |
none |
No special styling is applied. This is the default. Note, however, error 649849 and error 605985. |
button |
The element is drawn like a button. |
button-arrow-down |
button-arrow-next |
button-arrow-previous |
button-arrow-up |
button-bevel |
button-focus |
caret |
checkbox |
The element is drawn like a checkbox, including only the actual "checkbox" portion. |
checkbox-container |
The element is drawn like a container for a checkbox, which may include a prelighting background effect under certain platforms. Normally it would contain a label and a checkbox. |
checkbox-label |
checkmenuitem |
dualbutton |
groupbox |
listbox |
listitem |
menuarrow |
menubar |
menucheckbox |
menuimage |
menuitem |
The element is styled as menu item, item is highlighted when hovered. |
menuitemtext |
menulist |
menulist-button |
The element is styled as a button that would indicate a menulist can be opened. |
menulist-text |
menulist-textfield |
The element is styled as the text field for a menulist. (Not implemented for the Windows platform) |
menupopup |
menuradio |
menuseparator |
meterbar |
New in Fx 16. |
meterchunk |
New in Fx 16 |
progressbar |
The element is styled like a progress bar. |
progressbar-vertical |
progresschunk |
progresschunk-vertical |
radio |
The element is drawn like a radio button, including only the actual "radio button" portion. |
radio-container |
The element is drawn like a container for a radio button, which may include a prelighting background effect under certain platforms. Normally it would contain a label and a radio button. |
radio-label |
radiomenuitem |
range | |
range-thumb | |
resizer |
resizerpanel |
scale-horizontal |
scalethumbend |
scalethumb-horizontal |
scalethumbstart |
scalethumbtick |
scalethumb-vertical |
scale-vertical |
scrollbarbutton-down |
scrollbarbutton-left |
scrollbarbutton-right |
scrollbarbutton-up |
scrollbarthumb-horizontal |
scrollbarthumb-vertical |
scrollbartrack-horizontal |
scrollbartrack-vertical |
searchfield |
separator |
sheet |
spinner |
spinner-downbutton |
spinner-textfield |
spinner-upbutton |
splitter |
statusbar |
statusbarpanel |
tab |
tabpanel |
tabpanels |
tab-scroll-arrow-back |
tab-scroll-arrow-forward |
textfield |
textfield-multiline |
toolbar |
toolbarbutton |
toolbarbutton-dropdown |
toolbargripper |
toolbox |
tooltip |
treeheader |
treeheadercell |
treeheadersortarrow |
treeitem |
treeline |
treetwisty |
treetwistyopen |
treeview |
-moz-mac-unified-toolbar |
Mac OS X only. This causes the toolbar and title bar to render using the unified toolbar style common to Mac OS X 10.4 and later applications. |
-moz-win-borderless-glass |
Windows Vista and later only. This style applies the Aero Glass effect — but without a border — to the element. |
-moz-win-browsertabbar-toolbox |
Windows Vista and later only. This toolbox style is meant to be used for the tab bar in a browser. |
-moz-win-communicationstext |
-moz-win-communications-toolbox |
Windows Vista and later only. This toolbox style is meant to be used in communications and productivity applications. Corresponding foreground color is -moz-win-communicationstext . |
-moz-win-exclude-glass |
Windows Vista and later only. This styles is used to exclude the Aero Glass effect on the element. |
-moz-win-glass |
Windows Vista and later only. This style applies the Aero Glass effect to the element. |
-moz-win-mediatext |
-moz-win-media-toolbox |
Windows Vista and later only. This toolbox style is meant to be used in applications that manage media objects. Corresponding foreground color is -moz-win-mediatext . |
-moz-window-button-box |
-moz-window-button-box-maximized |
-moz-window-button-close |
-moz-window-button-maximize |
-moz-window-button-minimize |
-moz-window-button-restore |
-moz-window-frame-bottom |
-moz-window-frame-left |
-moz-window-frame-right |
-moz-window-titlebar |
-moz-window-titlebar-maximized |
Síntaxis formal
.exampleone {
-moz-appearance: toolbarbutton;
La propiedad appearance
no se encuentra actualmente presente en ninguna nueva especificación CSS.
Compatibilidad con navegadores
Ver también
- Definición de
en CSS 3 Interfaz Básico de Usuario (Candidata a Recomendación desde 2004-05-11), desactualizada (La propiedadappearance
se ha abandonado en las nuevas versiones de esta especificación.) - Características CSS3 abandonadas en la UI especificación.