HTML(超文字標記語言, Hypertext Markup Language)元素通常為『區塊級』元素或是『行內級』元素。一個區塊級元素會藉由建立『區塊』的動作,完全佔滿其父元素(容器)的空間。本文將為你說明其意涵.
備註: 區塊級元素必定以換行方式,取得完整寬度的空間(向左右兩側儘可能地延伸出去)。
This paragraph is a block-level element; its background has been colored to
display the paragraph's parent element.
p {
background-color: #8abb55;
- 區塊級元素只能出現於
區塊級 vs. 行內元素
There are a couple of key differences between block-level elements and inline elements:
- Formatting
By default, block-level elements begin on new lines, but inline elements can start anywhere in a line.
- Content model
Generally, block-level elements may contain inline elements and other block-level elements. Inherent in this structural distinction is the idea that block elements create "larger" structures than inline elements.
The distinction of block-level vs. inline elements is used in HTML specifications up to 4.01. In HTML5, this binary distinction is replaced with a more complex set of content categories. The "block-level" category roughly corresponds to the category of flow content in HTML5, while "inline" corresponds to phrasing content, but there are additional categories.
The following is a complete list of all HTML block level elements (although "block-level" is not technically defined for elements that are new in HTML5).
Contact information.
Article content.
Aside content.
Long ("block") quotation.
Dialog box.
Describes a term in a description list.
Document division.
Description list.
Description list term.
Field set label.
Figure caption.
Groups media content with a caption (see
). -
Section or page footer.
Input form.
Heading levels 1-6.
Section or page header.
Groups header information.
Horizontal rule (dividing line).
List item.
Contains the central content unique to this document.
Contains navigation links.
Ordered list.
Preformatted text.
Section of a web page.
Unordered list.