HTMLInputElement: valueAsDate property

Baseline Widely available

This feature is well established and works across many devices and browser versions. It’s been available across browsers since April 2021.

The valueAsDate property of the HTMLInputElement interface represents the current value of the <input> element as a Date, or null if conversion is not possible.

This property can also be set directly, for example to set a default date based on some condition. If the provided value is neither null nor a Date object, a TypeError is thrown. If the provided value is null or an invalid date, the input value is set to the empty string.

This property always returns null when accessed on an input that isn't date- or time-based. When setting this property on such an input, an InvalidStateError DOMException is thrown.


A Date object or null if a conversion is impossible. The date returned should always be interpreted as a UTC time—for example, using methods like getUTCDate() instead of getDate(). If you are not careful, the result may be off by 1—for example, if the user lives in a negative UTC offset (the US, for example), then interpreting the date as a local date will result in the previous day from what the user selected.

The month, date, and week input types return a UTC date that represents the first instant of the inputted time span—that is, they are always midnight in UTC. For month, the date is the first day of the month. For week, the date is the Monday of the week. The time input type always has the date set to 1970-01-01.

The datetime-local input type does not support the valueAsDate property, because it represents a date and time in the local time zone (a wall clock time), but Date objects represent an absolute point in time. However, some browsers may provide a non-standard implementation. WHATWG is working on integrating the Temporal API with the date/time inputs to account for this use case.


Retrieving a date value

This example demonstrates accessing the valueAsDate property on an <input> of type week.


We include an <input> of type week:

<label for="date">Pick a date and time:</label>

<input name="date" id="date" type="week" />

<pre id="log"></pre>


When no date or time is selected, the empty input resolves to null. Each time a selection is made, a change event is fired, updating the <pre> content showing the HTMLInputElement.value of the form control compared to that value as a date.

const logElement = document.getElementById("log");
const inputElement = document.getElementById("date");

logElement.innerText = `Initial value: ${inputElement.valueAsDate}`;

inputElement.addEventListener("change", () => {
  logElement.innerText = `${inputElement.value} resolves to ${inputElement.valueAsDate}`;


Using Date methods

This example demonstrates applying Date methods directly to the valueAsDate property of an <input> of type date.


We include an <input> of type date:

<label for="date2">Pick a date:</label>

<input name="date2" id="date2" type="date" />

<pre id="log"></pre>


When no date is selected, the empty string resolves to null. Each time a selection is made, a change event is fired. We then populate the log with the date selected, formatted using the Date object's toLocaleDateString() method.

const logElement = document.getElementById("log");
const inputElement = document.getElementById("date2");
const options = {
  weekday: "long",
  year: "numeric",
  month: "long",
  day: "numeric",

logElement.innerText = `Initial value: ${inputElement.valueAsDate}`;

inputElement.addEventListener("change", () => {
  if (inputElement.valueAsDate !== null) {
    logElement.innerText = `You selected ${inputElement.valueAsDate.toLocaleDateString("en-US", options)}`;
  } else {
    logElement.innerText = `${inputElement.value} resolves to ${inputElement.valueAsDate}`;


The date may be a day off due to your local timezone.


# dom-input-valueasdate-dev

Browser compatibility

See also