AudioBuffer: AudioBuffer() constructor

Baseline Widely available

This feature is well established and works across many devices and browser versions. It’s been available across browsers since April 2021.

The AudioBuffer constructor of the Web Audio API creates a new AudioBuffer object.


new AudioBuffer(options)



Options are as follows:


The size of the audio buffer in sample-frames. To determine the length to use for a specific number of seconds of audio, use numSeconds * sampleRate.


The number of channels for the buffer. The default is 1, and all user agents are required to support at least 32 channels.


The sample rate in Hz for the buffer. The default is the sample rate of the context used in constructing this object. User agents are required to support sample rates from 8,000 Hz to 96,000 Hz (but are allowed to go farther outside this range).


Represents an integer used to determine how many channels are used when up-mixing and down-mixing connections to any inputs to the node. (See AudioNode.channelCount for more information.) Its usage and precise definition depend on the value of channelCountMode.


Represents an enumerated value describing the way channels must be matched between the node's inputs and outputs. (See AudioNode.channelCountMode for more information including default values.)


Represents an enumerated value describing the meaning of the channels. This interpretation will define how audio up-mixing and down-mixing will happen. The possible values are "speakers" or "discrete". (See AudioNode.channelCountMode for more information including default values.)

Deprecated parameters

context Deprecated

A reference to an AudioContext. This parameter was removed from the spec.


NotSupportedError DOMException

Thrown if one or more of the options are negative or otherwise has an invalid value (such as numberOfChannels being higher than supported, or a sampleRate outside the nominal range).


Thrown if there isn't enough memory available to allocate the buffer.


Web Audio API
# dom-audiobuffer-audiobuffer

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser