
Navigate to the next page in tab's history, if available.

This is an asynchronous function that returns a Promise.


let goingForward = browser.tabs.goForward(
  tabId,                       // optional integer
  callback                       // optional function


tabId Optional

integer. The ID of the tab to navigate. Defaults to the active tab of the current window.

callback Optional

function. When the page navigation finishes, this function is called without parameters.

Return value

A Promise that is fulfilled when the page navigation finishes.

Browser compatibility


Go forward to the next page in the current tab:

function onGoForward() {
  console.log("Gone forward");

function onError(error) {
  console.log(`Error: ${error}`);

let goingForward = browser.tabs.goForward();
goingForward.then(onGoForward, onError);

Note: This API is based on Chromium's chrome.tabs API. This documentation is derived from tabs.json in the Chromium code.