
Utilities related to your extension. Get URLs to resources packages with your extension. Get the Window object for your extension's pages. Get the values for various settings.

Note: The messaging APIs in this module are deprecated in favor of the equivalent APIs in the runtime module.



The type of extension view.


extension.lastError Deprecated

Set for the lifetime of a callback if an asynchronous extension API has resulted in an error. If no error has occurred, lastError will be undefined.


True for content scripts running inside incognito tabs, and for extension pages running inside an incognito process. (The latter only applies to extensions with 'split' incognito_behavior.)



Returns the Window object for the background page running inside the current extension. Returns null if the extension has no background page.

extension.getExtensionTabs() Deprecated

Returns an array of the JavaScript Window objects for each of the tabs running inside the current extension.

extension.getURL() Deprecated

Converts a relative path within an extension install directory to a fully-qualified URL.


Returns an array of the Window objects for each of the pages running inside the current extension.


Retrieves the state of the extension's access to Incognito-mode (as determined by the user-controlled 'Allowed in Incognito' checkbox).


Retrieves the state of the extension's access to the file:// scheme (as determined by the user-controlled 'Allow access to File URLs' checkbox).

extension.sendRequest() Deprecated

Sends a single request to other listeners within the extension.


Sets the value of the ap CGI parameter used in the extension's update URL. This value is ignored for extensions that are hosted in the browser vendor's store.


extension.onRequest Deprecated

Fired when a request is sent from either an extension process or a content script.

extension.onRequestExternal Deprecated

Fired when a request is sent from another extension.

Browser compatibility

Error loading BCD data

Example extensions

Note: This API is based on Chromium's chrome.extension API. This documentation is derived from extension.json in the Chromium code.