Besides being able to set the arc radius with the slider, the initial point
P0 and control points P1 and
P2 can be moved by dragging them with the mouse with the
left button down. The numeric values can also be edited, and the arrow keys
can be used to change an underlined element that is in focus.
<label for="arc-radius">arc radius <em>r</em></label>
<input name="arc-radius" type="range" id="radius-slider" min="0" />
<span id="value-P0" class="input" tabindex="0">
= (<span id="value-P0x" class="input" contenteditable="true"></span>,
<span id="value-P0y" class="input" contenteditable="true"></span>)
<span id="value-P1" class="input" tabindex="0">
= (<span id="value-P1x" class="input" contenteditable="true"></span>,
<span id="value-P1y" class="input" contenteditable="true"></span>)
<span id="value-P2" class="input" tabindex="0">
= (<span id="value-P2x" class="input" contenteditable="true"></span>,
<span id="value-P2y" class="input" contenteditable="true"></span>)
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>
<em>T<sub>1</sub></em> = <span id="value-T1"></span>
<em>T<sub>2</sub></em> = <span id="value-T2"></span>
<div><em>C</em> = <span id="value-C"></span></div>
/* arcTo() demo
* Note: there are browser issues at least in Chrome regarding cursor
* updates. See
* Cursor problems were also seen when text was selected before entering
* the canvas. Additional tests which may appear to be redundant in the
* code minimized these issues.
"use strict";
/* Parameters for demo */
const param = {
canvasWidth: 300, // canvas size
canvasHeight: 300,
hitDistance: 5, // mouse distance to be considered a hit
errorTolCenter: 1e-4, // limit on circle center differences
radiusMax: 250, // largest allowed radius
P0x: 50, // initial point
P0y: 50,
P1x: 275, // First control point
P1y: 150,
P2x: 50, // Second control point
P2y: 275,
radius: 75, // radius of arc
/* Some math for 2-D vectors */
class Math2D {
/* Create new point */
static point(x = 0, y = 0) {
return { x: x, y: y };
/* Create new vector */
static vector(x = 0, y = 0) {
return this.point(x, y);
/* Subtraction: difference = minuend - subtrahend */
static subtract(difference, minuend, subtrahend) {
difference.x = minuend.x - subtrahend.x;
difference.y = minuend.y - subtrahend.y;
/* Find L2 norm */
static L2(a) {
return Math.hypot(a.x, a.y);
/* Dot product */
static dot(a, b) {
return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y;
/* Find point on line defined parametrically by
* L = P0 + t * direction */
static linePointAt(P0, t, dir) {
return this.point(P0.x + t * dir.x, P0.y + t * dir.y);
} /* end of class Math2D */
/* Text values allowing alternate inputs */
class TextInput {
/* Mutation observer to watch the focused text input */
static mo = new MutationObserver(TextInput.processInput);
static moOptions = {
subtree: true, // character data in internal node
characterData: true,
/* Symbol to add index information to mutation observer */
static symbolTextInput = Symbol("textInput");
/* Handler for mutations of focused text input */
static processInput(mrs, mo) {
/* Access textInput object associated with the mutations */
const textInput = mo[TextInput.symbolTextInput];
/* Find the character data mutation and update based on the input */
for (let i = 0, n = mrs.length; i < n; i++) {
const mr = mrs[i];
if (mr.type === "characterData") {
const target =;
if (target.nodeType !== 3) {
"Mutation record type CharacterData but " +
"node type = " +
/* Handle non-digits entered by parsing */
let value = parseInt(target.textContent);
value = isNaN(value) ? 0 : value;
idText, // id of element in document
idControl, // id of control in element, if any (radius ony)
valueMax, // allowed values from 0 to maxValue, inclusive
getStateValue, // function to get value from state object
) {
// function to set value on state object
this.#valueMax = valueMax;
this.elementText = document.getElementById(idText);
this.elementControl =
idControl === null ? null : document.getElementById(idControl);
this.getStateValue = getStateValue;
this.setStateValue = setStateValue;
this.#callbackKeydown = (evt) => {
let valueInput;
switch (evt.code) {
case "Enter": // Do not allow since adds <br> nodes
case "ArrowUp":
valueInput = Number(this.elementText.textContent) + 1;
case "ArrowDown":
valueInput = Number(this.elementText.textContent) - 1;
default: // ignore all others
}; // suspend while changing value
this.updateFull(valueInput); // do update
const options = { subtree: true, characterData: true };, TextInput.moOptions);
// observe again
this.#callbackFocus = (evt) => {
/* Link mutation observer to the associated text input object */[TextInput.symbolTextInput] = this;
/* Look for changes in the input.
* subtree: true needed since text is in internal node(s)
* childList: true needed since <enter> becomes a <br> node */, TextInput.moOptions);
/* Check for up and down arrows to increment/decrement values */
this.elementText.addEventListener("keydown", this.#callbackKeydown);
/* When focus is lost, stop watching this input */
this.elementText.addEventListener("blur", () => {
this.elementText.addEventListener("focus", this.#callbackFocus);
} // end of class TextInput
/* Function to update based on input received from text input source */
updateFull(value) {
/* Clamp value in range */
if (value > this.#valueMax) {
value = this.#valueMax;
} else if (value < 0) {
value = 0;
/* Make consistent and update */
const valueTextPrev = this.elementText.textContent;
const valueString = String(value);
if (valueTextPrev !== valueString) {
this.elementText.textContent = valueString;
if (this.elementControl) {
const valueControlPrev = this.elementControl.value;
if (valueControlPrev !== valueString) {
this.elementControl.value = valueString;
const valueStatePrev = this.getStateValue();
if (valueStatePrev !== value) {
// input caused state change
} /* end of class TextInput */
/* Given configuration parameters, initialize the state */
function initDemoState({
canvasWidth = 300,
canvasHeight = 300,
hitDistance = 5,
errorTolCenter = 1e-4,
radiusMax = 250,
P0x = 0,
P0y = 0,
P1x = 0,
P1y = 0,
P2x = 0,
P2y = 0,
radius = 0,
} = {}) {
const s = {};
s.controlPoints = [
Math2D.point(P0x, P0y),
Math2D.point(P1x, P1y),
Math2D.point(P2x, P2y),
s.hitDistance = hitDistance;
s.errorTolCenter = errorTolCenter;
s.canvasSize = Math2D.point(canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
if (radius > radiusMax) {
/* limit param to allowed values */
radius = radiusMax;
s.radius = radius;
s.radiusMax = radiusMax;
[s.haveCircle, s.P0Inf, s.P2Inf, s.T1, s.T2, s.C] = findConstruction(
s.pointActiveIndex = -1; // no point currently active
s.pointActiveMoving = false; // Active point hovering (false) or
// moving (true)
s.mouseDelta = Math2D.point(); // offset of mouse pointer
//from point center
return s;
function updateResults() {
ConstructionPoints.print(state.T1, state.T2, state.C);
function updateConstruction() {
[state.haveCircle, state.P0Inf, state.P2Inf, state.T1, state.T2, state.C] =
/* Find the geometry that arcTo() uses to draw the path */
function findConstruction([P0, P1, P2], r, canvasSize, errorTolCenter) {
/* Find the center of a circle of radius r having a point T with a
* tangent in the direction d and the center on the same side of
* the tangent as dirTan. */
function findCenter(T, d, r, dirTan) {
/* Find direction of line normal to tangent line
* Taking larger value to avoid division by 0.
* a . n = 0. Set smaller component to 1 */
const dn =
Math.abs(d.x) < Math.abs(d.y)
? Math2D.point(1, -d.x / d.y)
: Math2D.point(-d.y / d.x, 1);
/* The normal may be pointing towards center or away.
* Make towards center if not */
if (, dirTan) < 0) {
dn.x = -dn.x;
dn.y = -dn.y;
/* Move a distance of the radius along line Tx + t * dn
* to get to the center of the circle */
return Math2D.linePointAt(T, r / Math2D.L2(dn), dn);
/* Test for coincidence. Note that points will have small integer
* coordinates, so there is no issue with checking for exact
* equality */
const dir1 = Math2D.vector(P0.x - P1.x, P0.y - P1.y); // dir line 1
if (dir1.x === 0 && dir1.y === 0) {
// P0 and P1 coincident
return [false];
const dir2 = Math2D.vector(P2.x - P1.x, P2.y - P1.y); // dir of line 2
if (dir2.x === 0 && dir2.y === 0) {
// P2 and P1 coincident
return [false];
/* Magnitudes of direction vectors defining lines */
const dir1Mag = Math2D.L2(dir1);
const dir2Mag = Math2D.L2(dir2);
/* Make direction vectors unit length */
const dir1_unit = Math2D.vector(dir1.x / dir1Mag, dir1.y / dir1Mag);
const dir2_unit = Math2D.vector(dir2.x / dir2Mag, dir2.y / dir2Mag);
/* Angle between lines -- cos angle = a.b/(|a||b|)
* Using unit vectors, so |a| = |b| = 1 */
const dp =, dir2_unit);
/* Test for collinearity */
if (Math.abs(dp) > 0.999999) {
/* Angle 0 or 180 degrees, or nearly so */
return [false];
const angle = Math.acos(, dir2_unit));
/* Distance to tangent points from P1 --
* (T1, P1, C) form a right triangle (T2, P1, C) same triangle.
* An angle of each triangle is half of the angle between the lines
* tan(angle/2) = r / length(P1,T1) */
const distToTangent = r / Math.tan(0.5 * angle);
/* Locate tangent points */
const T1 = Math2D.linePointAt(P1, distToTangent, dir1_unit);
const T2 = Math2D.linePointAt(P1, distToTangent, dir2_unit);
/* Center is along normal to tangent at tangent point at
* a distance equal to the radius of the circle.
* Locate center two ways. Should be equal */
const dirT2_T1 = Math2D.vector(T2.x - T1.x, T2.y - T1.y);
const dirT1_T2 = Math2D.vector(-dirT2_T1.x, -dirT2_T1.y);
const C1 = findCenter(T1, dir1_unit, r, dirT2_T1);
const C2 = findCenter(T2, dir2_unit, r, dirT1_T2);
/* Error in center calculations */
const deltaC = Math2D.vector(C2.x - C1.x, C2.y - C1.y);
if (deltaC.x * deltaC.x + deltaC.y * deltaC.y > errorTolCenter) {
`Programming or numerical error, ` +
`P0(${P0.x},${P0.y}); ` +
`P1(${P1.x},${P1.y}); ` +
`P2(${P2.x},${P2.y}); ` +
/* Average the center values */
const C = Math2D.point(C1.x + 0.5 * deltaC.x, C1.y + 0.5 * deltaC.y);
/* Find the "infinite values" of the two semi-infinite lines.
* As a practical consideration, anything off the canvas is
* infinite. A distance equal to the height + width of the canvas
* is assured to be sufficiently far away and has the advantage of
* being easily found. */
const distToInf = canvasSize.x + canvasSize.y;
const L1inf = Math2D.linePointAt(P1, distToInf, dir1_unit);
const L2inf = Math2D.linePointAt(P1, distToInf, dir2_unit);
return [true, L1inf, L2inf, T1, T2, C];
} /* end of function findConstruction */
/* Finds index and distance delta of first point in an array that is
* closest to the specified point or returns index of -1 if none */
function hitTestPoints(pointAt, points, hitDistance) {
const n = points.length;
const delta = Math2D.vector();
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
Math2D.subtract(delta, pointAt, points[i]);
if (Math2D.L2(delta) <= hitDistance) {
return [i, delta];
return [-1]; // no hit
/* Handle a mouse move for either a mousemove event or mouseentry */
function doMouseMove(pointCursor, rBtnDown) {
/* Test for active move. If so, move accordingly based on the
* cursor position. The right button down flag handles the case
* where the cursor leaves the canvas with the right button down
* and enters with it up (not moving) or down (moving). It
* also helps to handle unreliable delivery of mouse events. */
if (state.pointActiveIndex >= 0 && state.pointActiveMoving && rBtnDown) {
/* A point was moving and is moving more */
/* If there is not an active move with the right button down,
* update active state based on hit testing. Mouse events have
* been found to not be reliably delivered sometimes, particularly
* with Chrome, so the programming must handle this issue */
state.pointActiveMoving = false; // not moving
const [pointHitIndex, testDelta] = hitTestPoints(
state.pointActiveIndex = pointHitIndex; = pointHitIndex < 0 ? "auto" : "pointer";
} /* end of function doMouseMove */
class ConstructionPoints {
static #vT1 = document.getElementById("value-T1");
static #vT2 = document.getElementById("value-T2");
static #vC = document.getElementById("value-C");
static print(T1, T2, C) {
function prettyPoint(P) {
return `(${P.x}, ${P.y})`;
if (state.haveCircle) {
this.#vT1.textContent = prettyPoint(T1);
this.#vT2.textContent = prettyPoint(T2);
this.#vC.textContent = prettyPoint(C);
} else {
this.#vT1.textContent = "undefined";
this.#vT2.textContent = "undefined";
this.#vC.textContent = "undefined";
/* Move the active point, which must exist when called, to
* its new point based on the cursor location and the offset of
* the cursor to the center of the point */
function moveActivePointAndUpdate(pointCursor) {
let pointAdjusted = Math2D.point();
Math2D.subtract(pointAdjusted, pointCursor, state.mouseDelta);
/* Adjust location to keep point on canvas */
if (pointAdjusted.x < 0) {
pointAdjusted.x = 0;
} else if (pointAdjusted.x >= state.canvasSize.x) {
pointAdjusted.x = state.canvasSize.x;
if (pointAdjusted.y < 0) {
pointAdjusted.y = 0;
} else if (pointAdjusted.y >= state.canvasSize.y) {
pointAdjusted.y = state.canvasSize.y;
/* Set point */
const index = state.pointActiveIndex;
const pt = state.controlPoints[index];
let isPointChanged = false;
let indexTextInput = 1 + 2 * index;
if (pt.x !== pointAdjusted.x) {
isPointChanged = true;
pt.x = pointAdjusted.x;
textInputs[indexTextInput].elementText.textContent = pointAdjusted.x;
if (pt.y !== pointAdjusted.y) {
isPointChanged = true;
pt.y = pointAdjusted.y;
textInputs[indexTextInput + 1].elementText.textContent = pointAdjusted.y;
if (isPointChanged) {
// Update results if x or y changed
function drawCanvas() {
const rPoint = 4;
const colorConstruction = "#080";
const colorDraggable = "#00F";
const [P0, P1, P2] = state.controlPoints;
ctx.font = "italic 14pt sans-serif";
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
ctx.lineWidth = 1;
/* Draw construction information if present */
if (state.haveCircle) {
ctx.strokeStyle = colorConstruction;
ctx.fillStyle = colorConstruction;
ctx.setLineDash([4, 6]);
/* Draw the construction points */
const specialPoints = [state.C, state.T1, state.T2];
specialPoints.forEach((value) => {
ctx.arc(value.x, value.y, rPoint, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
/* Draw the semi-infinite lines, a radius, and the circle */
ctx.moveTo(state.P0Inf.x, state.P0Inf.y);
ctx.lineTo(P1.x, P1.y);
ctx.lineTo(state.P2Inf.x, state.P2Inf.y);
ctx.moveTo(state.C.x, state.C.y);
ctx.lineTo(state.T1.x, state.T1.y);
ctx.arc(state.C.x, state.C.y, state.radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
ctx.fillStyle = "#000";
ctx.fillText("C", state.C.x, state.C.y - 15);
ctx.fillText("T\u2081", state.T1.x, state.T1.y - 15);
ctx.fillText("T\u2082", state.T2.x, state.T2.y - 15);
" r",
0.5 * (state.T1.x + state.C.x),
0.5 * (state.T1.y + state.C.y),
} else {
// no circle
ctx.moveTo(P0.x, P0.y);
ctx.setLineDash([2, 6]);
ctx.lineTo(P1.x, P1.y);
ctx.lineTo(P2.x, P2.y);
ctx.strokeStyle = colorConstruction;
/* Draw initial point and control points */
state.controlPoints.forEach((value) => {
ctx.arc(value.x, value.y, rPoint, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
ctx.fillStyle = colorDraggable;
ctx.fillStyle = "#000";
ctx.fillText("P\u2080", P0.x, P0.y - 15);
ctx.fillText("P\u2081", P1.x, P1.y - 15);
ctx.fillText("P\u2082", P2.x, P2.y - 15);
/* Draw the arcTo() result */
ctx.lineWidth = 3;
ctx.moveTo(P0.x, P0.y);
ctx.arcTo(P1.x, P1.y, P2.x, P2.y, state.radius);
ctx.strokeStyle = "#000";
} /* end of function drawCanvas */
function addPointArrowMoves() {
[0, 1, 2].forEach((value) => addPointArrowMove(value));
/* Allow arrow key presses on the point labels to move the point in
* x and y directions */
function addPointArrowMove(indexPoint) {
const elem = document.getElementById("value-P" + indexPoint);
let indexTextInput = 2 * indexPoint + 1;
elem.addEventListener("keydown", (evt) => {
let valueNew;
let indexActive = indexTextInput;
switch (evt.code) {
case "ArrowLeft": // left arrow -- dec x by 1
valueNew = textInputs[indexActive].getStateValue() - 1;
case "ArrowUp": // up arrow -- dec y by 1
valueNew = textInputs[++indexActive].getStateValue() - 1;
case "ArrowRight": // right arrow -- inc x by 1
valueNew = textInputs[indexActive].getStateValue() + 1;
case "ArrowDown": // down arrow -- inc y by 1
valueNew = textInputs[++indexActive].getStateValue() + 1;
default: // ignore all others
textInputs[indexActive].updateFull(valueNew); // do update
/* Set initial state based on parameters */
const state = initDemoState(param);
/* Radius slider update */
const controlR = document.getElementById("radius-slider");
controlR.value = state.radius; // match initial value with state
controlR.max = state.radiusMax;
controlR.addEventListener("input", (evt) => {
textInputs[0].elementText.textContent = controlR.value;
state.radius = controlR.value;
/* Create text inputs to set point locations and arc radius */
const textInputs = [
new TextInput(
() => state.radius,
(value) => (state.radius = value),
new TextInput(
() => state.controlPoints[0].x,
(value) => (state.controlPoints[0].x = value),
new TextInput(
() => state.controlPoints[0].y,
(value) => (state.controlPoints[0].y = value),
new TextInput(
() => state.controlPoints[1].x,
(value) => (state.controlPoints[1].x = value),
new TextInput(
() => state.controlPoints[1].y,
(value) => (state.controlPoints[1].y = value),
new TextInput(
() => state.controlPoints[2].x,
(value) => (state.controlPoints[2].x = value),
new TextInput(
() => state.controlPoints[2].y,
(value) => (state.controlPoints[2].y = value),
/* Allow arrow keystrokes to alter point location */
/* Initialize the text inputs from the associated state values */
textInputs.forEach((ti) => (ti.elementText.textContent = ti.getStateValue()));
/* Canvas setup */
const canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
canvas.width = state.canvasSize.x;
canvas.height = state.canvasSize.y;
/* Mouse may move a moving point, move over and hover an unhovered
* point, move across a hovered point, or move on other parts of
* the canvas */
canvas.addEventListener("mousemove", (evt) =>
Math2D.point(evt.offsetX, evt.offsetY),
(evt.buttons & 1) === 1,
/* Left mouse press on hovered point transitions to a moving point */
canvas.addEventListener("mousedown", (evt) => {
if (evt.button !== 0) {
// ignore all but left clicks
const [pointHitIndex, testDelta] = hitTestPoints(
Math2D.point(evt.offsetX, evt.offsetY),
if (pointHitIndex < 0) {
// cursor over no point
return; // nothing to do
/* Cursor over (hovered) point */
state.pointActiveMoving = true; // point now moving = "move"; // Set to moving cursor
state.mouseDelta = testDelta; // dist of cursor from point center
/* Left mouse release if moving point transitions to a hovering point */
canvas.addEventListener("mouseup", (evt) => {
if (evt.button !== 0) {
// ignore all but left clicks
/* If there was a moving point, it transitions to a hovering
* point */
if (state.pointActiveMoving) {
state.pointActiveMoving = false; // point now hovering = "pointer";
/* Handle case that mouse reenters canvas with point moving.
* If left button down on entry, continue move; otherwise stop
* move. May also need to adjust hovering state */
canvas.addEventListener("mouseenter", (evt) =>
Math2D.point(evt.offsetX, evt.offsetY),
(evt.buttons & 1) === 1,
drawCanvas(); // Draw initial canvas
ConstructionPoints.print(state.T1, state.T2, state.C); // output pts