
The browsingData.RemovalOptions type contains options to control certain aspects of browsing data removal.


Values of this type are objects. They contain the following properties:

cookieStoreId Optional

string. This property only applies to cookies and indexedDB items. The removal is limited to items belonging to a specific cookie store as specified by the ID. See Work with contextual identities for more information.

Note: On Firefox Nightly removal of localStorage items by cookieStoreId is also supported.

hostnames Optional

Array of string. This property applies to cookie, indexedDB, local storage, and service worker registration items. Remove only cookie, indexedDB, local storage, and service worker registration items associated with these hostnames.

You must pass in just a hostname here, without protocol (for example, "" not ""). You can use the URL interface to parse a raw URL and retrieve the hostname. Items associated with subdomains of a given hostname are not removed: you must explicitly list subdomains.

originTypes Optional

object. Used to control whether to remove data only from normal web pages, or also from hosted web apps and extensions. If this option is omitted, only data from normal web pages ("unprotectedWeb") is removed. Before removing data from web apps or extensions, be very careful to ensure that this is really what the user wants.

This object may contain any of the following properties:

unprotectedWeb Optional

boolean. If present and true, remove data from normal web pages.

protectedWeb Optional

boolean. If present and true, remove data from websites that have been installed as hosted apps.

extension Optional

boolean. If present and true, remove data from extensions.

since Optional

number. How far back in time to remove data, given in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch. Note that when removing the browser cache, the entire cache is always removed and this option is ignored. If the since property is omitted, it defaults to 0, which means "forever".

Browser compatibility

Note: This API is based on Chromium's chrome.browsingData API.