
Limited availability

This feature is not Baseline because it does not work in some of the most widely-used browsers.

Experimental: This is an experimental technology
Check the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.

Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers.

Note: This feature is available in Web Workers.

The GPUSupportedFeatures interface of the WebGPU API is a Set-like object that describes additional functionality supported by a GPUAdapter.

The GPUSupportedFeatures object for the current adapter is accessed via the GPUAdapter.features property — use this to test what features your current setup supports. To create a GPUDevice with a specific feature enabled, you need to specify it in the requiredFeatures array of the GPUAdapter.requestDevice() descriptor.

You should note that not all features will be available to WebGPU in all browsers that support it, even if the features are supported by the underlying hardware. This could be due to constraints in the underlying system, browser, or adapter. For example:

  • The underlying system might not be able to guarantee exposure of a feature in a way that is compatible with a certain browser.
  • The browser vendor might not have found a secure way to implement support for that feature, or might just not have gotten round to it yet.

If you are hoping to take advantage of a specific additional feature in a WebGPU app, thorough testing is advised.

Available features

The following additional features are defined in WebGPU. Bear in mind that the exact set of features available will vary across implementations and physical devices, and will change over time.

Feature name Description
bgra8unorm-storage When enabled, allows STORAGE_BINDING usage of bgra8unorm-format GPUTextures.
clip-distances When enabled, allows the use of clip_distances in WGSL.
depth-clip-control Allows depth-clipping to be disabled. If depth-clip-control is enabled, the unclippedDepth property is available on the primitive object included as part of the createRenderPipeline() or createRenderPipelineAsync() descriptor when creating a GPURenderPipeline. primitive describes how a pipeline constructs and rasterizes primitives from its vertex inputs. Set unclipped-depth to true to disable depth-clipping.
depth32float-stencil8 Allows creation of textures with the format depth32float-stencil8. If depth32float-stencil8 is enabled, the depth32float-stencil8 value can be used for the format property of the createTexture() descriptor when creating a GPUTexture.
dual-source-blending When enabled, allows the use of dual_source_blending in WGSL, which uses both pixel shader outputs (@blend_src(0) and @blend_src(1)) as inputs to a blending operation with the single color attachment at @location(0). Over in WebGPU, dual-source-blending enables the following blend factor operations (specified in the dstFactor and srcFactor properties of createRenderPipeline() and createRenderPipelineAsync() descriptors): src1, one-minus-src1, src1-alpha, and one-minus-src1-alpha.
float32-blendable When enabled, allows blending of r32float-, rg32float-, and rgba32float-format GPUTextures.
float32-filterable When enabled, allows filtering of r32float-, rg32float-, and rgba32float-format GPUTextures.
indirect-first-instance When enabled, allows the use of non-zero firstInstance values in the indirectBuffer property of the drawIndirect() and drawIndexedIndirect() methods available on GPURenderPassEncoder and GPURenderBundleEncoder instances.
rg11b10ufloat-renderable When enabled, allows RENDER_ATTACHMENT usage of rg11b10ufloat-format GPUTextures, as well as their blending and multisampling.
shader-f16 When enabled, allows the use of the half-precision floating-point type f16 in WGSL.
subgroups When enabled, allows the use of subgroups in WGSL. Subgroups enable SIMD-level parallelism, allowing threads in a workgroup to communicate and execute collective math operations such as calculating a sum of numbers, and offering an efficient method for cross-thread data sharing. Note that the subgroupMinSize and subgroupMaxSize properties can be useful to check if, for example, you have a hardcoded algorithm that requires a subgroup of a certain size. You can use f16 values with subgroups when you request a GPUDevice with both the shader-f16 and subgroups features.
texture-compression-bc Allows creation of two-dimensional BC compressed textures. If texture-compression-bc is enabled, the following values can be used for the format property of the createTexture() descriptor when creating a GPUTexture: bc1-rgba-unorm, bc1-rgba-unorm-srgb, bc2-rgba-unorm, bc2-rgba-unorm-srgb, bc3-rgba-unorm, bc3-rgba-unorm-srgb, bc4-r-unorm, bc4-r-snorm, bc5-rg-unorm, bc5-rg-snorm, bc6h-rgb-ufloat, bc6h-rgb-float, bc7-rgba-unorm, and bc7-rgba-unorm-srgb.
texture-compression-bc-sliced-3d Allows creation of three-dimensional BC compressed textures. If texture-compression-bc-sliced-3d is enabled, texture-compression-bc must also be enabled, as it enables the BC texture formats to be used (see texture-compression-bc, above) in the first two dimensions. texture-compression-bc-sliced-3d enables those same textures to be used in the third dimension. Adapters that support texture-compression-bc always support texture-compression-bc-sliced-3d. Note that this feature is not currently supported in any browser.
texture-compression-astc Allows creation of two-dimensional ASTC compressed textures. If texture-compression-astc is enabled, the following values can be used for the format property of the createTexture() descriptor when creating a GPUTexture: astc-4x4-unorm, astc-4x4-unorm-srgb, astc-5x4-unorm, astc-5x4-unorm-srgb, astc-5x5-unorm, astc-5x5-unorm-srgb, astc-6x5-unorm, astc-6x5-unorm-srgb, astc-6x6-unorm, astc-6x6-unorm-srgb, astc-8x5-unorm, astc-8x5-unorm-srgb, astc-8x6-unorm, astc-8x6-unorm-srgb, astc-8x8-unorm, astc-8x8-unorm-srgb, astc-10x5-unorm, astc-10x5-unorm-srgb, astc-10x6-unorm, astc-10x6-unorm-srgb, astc-10x8-unorm, astc-10x8-unorm-srgb, astc-10x10-unorm, astc-10x10-unorm-srgb, astc-12x10-unorm, astc-12x10-unorm-srgb, and astc-12x12-unorm``astc-12x12-unorm-srgb.
texture-compression-astc-sliced-3d Allows creation of three-dimensional ASTC compressed textures. If texture-compression-astc-sliced-3d is enabled, texture-compression-astc must also be enabled, as it enables the ASTC texture formats to be used (see texture-compression-astc, above) in the first two dimensions. texture-compression-astc-sliced-3d enables those same textures to be used in the third dimension. Adapters that support texture-compression-astc do not always support texture-compression-astc-sliced-3d. Note that this feature is not currently supported in any browser.
texture-compression-etc2 Allows creation of two-dimensional ETC2 compressed textures. If texture-compression-etc2 is enabled, the following values can be used for the format property of the createTexture() descriptor when creating a GPUTexture: etc2-rgb8unorm, etc2-rgb8unorm-srgb, etc2-rgb8a1unorm, etc2-rgb8a1unorm-srgb, etc2-rgba8unorm, etc2-rgba8unorm-srgb, eac-r11unorm, eac-r11snorm, eac-rg11unorm, and eac-rg11snorm.
timestamp-query Allows timestamp queries to be run, which measure the time taken to run compute and render passes. If timestamp-query is enabled, the timestamp value can be set for the type property of the createQuerySet() descriptor when creating a GPUQuerySet. In addition, the timestampWrites property can be set on the beginComputePass() and beginRenderPass() descriptor when creating a GPUComputePassEncoder and GPURenderPassEncoder, respectively. GPUQuerySet objects are referenced within the objects included in the timestampWrites property, to specify where timestamps should be written to.

Instance properties

The following properties are available to all read-only Set-like objects (the links below are to the Set global object reference page).

size Experimental

Returns the number of values in the set.

Instance methods

The following methods are available to all read-only Set-like objects (the below links are to the Set global object reference page).

has() Experimental

Returns a boolean asserting whether an element is present with the given value in the set or not.

values() Experimental

Returns a new iterator object that yields the values for each element in the set in insertion order.

keys() Experimental

An alias for values().

entries() Experimental

Returns a new iterator object that contains an array of [value, value] for each element in the set, in insertion order.

forEach() Experimental

Calls a provided callback function once for each value present in the set, in insertion order.


async function init() {
  if (!navigator.gpu) {
    throw Error("WebGPU not supported.");

  const adapter = await navigator.gpu.requestAdapter();
  if (!adapter) {
    throw Error("Couldn't request WebGPU adapter.");

  const adapterFeatures = adapter.features;

  // Return the size of the set

  // Check whether a feature is supported by the adapter

  // Iterate through all the set values using values()
  const valueIterator = adapterFeatures.values();
  for (const value of valueIterator) {

  // Iterate through all the set values using keys()
  const keyIterator = adapterFeatures.keys();
  for (const value of keyIterator) {

  // Iterate through all the set values using entries()
  const entryIterator = adapterFeatures.entries();
  for (const entry of entryIterator) {

  // Iterate through all the set values using forEach()
  adapterFeatures.forEach((value) => {



# gpu-supportedfeatures

Browser compatibility

See also