
Limited availability

This feature is not Baseline because it does not work in some of the most widely-used browsers.

Experimental: This is an experimental technology
Check the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.

Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers.

Note: This feature is available in Web Workers.

The GPUValidationError interface of the WebGPU API describes an application error indicating that an operation did not pass the WebGPU API's validation constraints.

It represents one of the types of errors surfaced by GPUDevice.popErrorScope and the uncapturederror event.

Validation errors occur whenever invalid inputs are given to a WebGPU call. These are consistent, predictable, and should not occur provided your app is well-formed. They will occur in the same way on every device your code runs on, so once you've fixed any errors that show up during development you probably don't need to observe them directly most of the time. An exception to that rule is if you're consuming user-supplied assets, shaders, etc., in which case watching for validation errors while loading could be helpful.

Note: We have attempted to provide useful information to help you understand why validation errors are occurring in your WebGPU code in "Validation" sections where appropriate, which list criteria to meet to avoid validation errors. See for example the GPUDevice.createBindGroup() Validation section.

GPUError GPUValidationError


GPUValidationError() Experimental

Creates a new GPUValidationError object instance.

Instance properties

The message property is inherited from its parent, GPUError:

message Experimental Read only

A string providing a human-readable message that explains why the error occurred.


The following example uses an error scope to capture a suspected validation error, logging it to the console.


let sampler = device.createSampler({
  maxAnisotropy: 0, // Invalid, maxAnisotropy must be at least 1.

device.popErrorScope().then((error) => {
  if (error) {
    // error is a GPUValidationError object instance
    sampler = null;
    console.error(`An error occurred while creating sampler: ${error.message}`);


# gpuvalidationerror

Browser compatibility

Report problems with this compatibility data on GitHub
Chrome Android
Firefox for Android
Opera Android
Safari on iOS
Samsung Internet
WebView Android
WebView on iOS
GPUValidationError() constructor


Tip: you can click/tap on a cell for more information.

Full support
Full support
Partial support
Partial support
In development. Supported in a pre-release version.
In development. Supported in a pre-release version.
No support
No support
Experimental. Expect behavior to change in the future.
See implementation notes.
User must explicitly enable this feature.
Has more compatibility info.

See also