AudioContext: setSinkId() method

Experimental: This is an experimental technology
Check the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.

Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers.

The setSinkId() method of the AudioContext interface sets the output audio device for the AudioContext. If a sink ID is not explicitly set, the default system audio output device will be used.

To set the audio device to a device different than the default one, the developer needs permission to access to audio devices. If required, the user can be prompted to grant the required permission via a MediaDevices.getUserMedia() call.

In addition, this feature may be blocked by a speaker-selection Permissions Policy.





The sink ID of the device you want to set as the output audio device. This can take one of the following value types:


A string representing the sink ID, retrieved for example via the deviceId property of the MediaDeviceInfo objects returned by MediaDevices.enumerateDevices().


An object representing different options for a sink ID. Currently this takes a single property, type, with a value of none. Setting this parameter causes the audio to be processed without being played through any audio output device. This is a useful option to minimize power consumption when you don't need playback along with processing.

Return value

A Promise that fulfills with a value of undefined.

Attempting to set the sink ID to its existing value (i.e. returned by AudioContext.sinkId), throws no errors, but it aborts the process immediately.


InvalidAccessError DOMException

Thrown if accessing the selected audio output device failed.

NotAllowedError DOMException

Thrown if the browser does not have permission to access audio devices.

NotFoundError DOMException

Thrown if the passed sinkId does not match any audio device found on the system.


In our SetSinkId test example (check out the source code), we create an audio graph that generates a three-second burst of white noise via an AudioBufferSourceNode, which we also run through a GainNode to quiet things down a bit.

We also provide the user with a dropdown menu to allow them to change the audio output device on the fly. To do this, we:

  1. Provide a button to populate the dropdown menu. We first invoke MediaDevices.getUserMedia() to trigger the permissions prompt we need to allow device enumeration, then use MediaDevices.enumerateDevices() to get all the available devices. We loop through the different devices and make each one available as an option in a <select> element. We also create a "None" option for the case where you don't want to play your audio in any output.

    mediaDeviceBtn.addEventListener('click', async () => {
      if ("setSinkId" in AudioContext.prototype) {
        selectDiv.textContent = "";
        const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: true });
        const devices = await navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices();
        // Most of the DOM scripting to generate the dropdown cut out for brevity
        const audioOutputs = devices.filter(
           (device) => device.kind === 'audiooutput' && device.deviceId !== 'default'
        audioOutputs.forEach((device) => {
          const option = document.createElement('option')
          option.value = device.deviceId;
          option.textContent = device.label;
        const option = document.createElement('option')
        option.value = 'none';
        option.textContent = 'None';
  2. Add a change event listener to the <select> element to change the sink ID and therefore the audio output device when a new value is selected. If "None" is selected in the dropdown, we invoke setSinkId() with the { type : 'none' } object parameter to select no audio device, otherwise we run it with the audio device ID contained in the <select> element value attribute` as the parameter.

        // ...
        select.addEventListener('change', async () => {
          if(select.value === 'none') {
            await audioCtx.setSinkId({ type : 'none' });
          } else {
            await audioCtx.setSinkId(select.value);

The output device can be changed during audio playback, as well as before, or between plays.


Web Audio API
# dom-audiocontext-setsinkid

Browser compatibility

Report problems with this compatibility data on GitHub
Chrome Android
Firefox for Android
Opera Android
Safari on iOS
Samsung Internet
WebView Android
WebView on iOS


Tip: you can click/tap on a cell for more information.

Full support
Full support
No support
No support
Experimental. Expect behavior to change in the future.

See also