
Sets the URL to be visited when the extension is uninstalled. This can be used to clean up server-side data, do analytics, or implement surveys. The URL can be up to 1023 characters. This limit used to be 255, see Browser compatibility for more details.

This is an asynchronous function that returns a Promise.


let settingUrl = browser.runtime.setUninstallURL(
  url             // string



string. URL to open after the extension is uninstalled. This URL must have an http or https scheme. Can be up to 1023 characters. Set to an empty string to not open a new tab when the extension is uninstalled.

Return value

A Promise fulfilled with no arguments when the URL is set or rejected with an error message if the operation fails.

Browser compatibility


function onSetURL() {
  console.log("set uninstall URL");

function onError(error) {
  console.log(`Error: ${error}`);

let settingUrl = browser.runtime.setUninstallURL("");
settingUrl.then(onSetURL, onError);

Note: This API is based on Chromium's chrome.runtime API. This documentation is derived from runtime.json in the Chromium code.