
Moves one or more contextual identities to a new position within the list of contextual identities.

This is an asynchronous function that returns a Promise.


let moveContainers = browser.contextualIdentities.move(
  cookieStoreIds,                  // string or array of string
  position                         // integer



string or array of string. An ordered list of the contextual identity cookie store IDs to move.


integer. The position to move cookieStoreIds to in the list of contextual identities. Zero-based; 0 indicates the first position. -1 indicates that the items are moved to the end of the list.

Return value

A Promise that is fulfilled when the contextual identities are reordered. The promise is rejected if the request is for an invalid move or the contextual identities feature is not enabled.


This example moves the first identity to the end and then back to the start.

let identities = await browser.contextualIdentities.query({});
let firstId = identities[0].cookieStoreId;

// Moves first identity to the end.
await browser.contextualIdentities.move(firstId, -1);

// Move identity to the start again.
await browser.contextualIdentities.move(firstId, 0);

Another way of moving the first identity to the end is by moving all other identities to the start.

let identities = await browser.contextualIdentities.query({});
let ids = => identity.cookieStoreId);
// Create an array without the first item:
let otherIds = ids.slice(1);

// Move other identities to the start,
// effectively putting the first identity at the end.
await browser.contextualIdentities.move(otherIds, 0);

This example moves the "Personal" identity to before "Work". The example assumes containers with these names to exist. This may not be the case in customized or localized (non-English) Firefox instances.

let identities = await browser.contextualIdentities.query({});

// Find the index and ID of the container with the name "Personal".
let personalIndex = identities.findIndex((ci) => === "Personal");
if (personalIndex === -1) {
  throw new Error("Personal container not found");
let personalId = identities[personalIndex].cookieStoreId;

// Find the index of the container with the name "Work".
let workIndex = identities.findIndex((identity) => === "Work");
if (workIndex === -1) {
  throw new Error("Work container not found!");

if (personalIndex < workIndex) {
  // When the Personal identity moves, all following
  // identities shift to the left by one. To place
  // the Personal identity before the Work identity,
  // we should therefore subtract one.
await browser.contextualIdentities.move(personalId, workIndex);

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser