
Baseline Widely available

This feature is well established and works across many devices and browser versions. It’s been available across browsers since July 2015.

The HTMLBodyElement interface provides special properties (beyond those inherited from the regular HTMLElement interface) for manipulating <body> elements.

EventTarget Node Element HTMLElement HTMLBodyElement

Instance properties

Inherits properties from its parent, HTMLElement.

A string that represents the color of active hyperlinks.

HTMLBodyElement.background Deprecated

A string that represents the description of the location of the background image resource. Note that this is not an URI, though some older version of some browsers do expect it.

HTMLBodyElement.bgColor Deprecated

A string that represents the background color for the document.

A string that represents the color of unvisited links.

HTMLBodyElement.text Deprecated

A string that represents the foreground color of text.

A string that represents the color of visited links.

Instance methods

No specific methods; inherits methods from its parent, HTMLElement.

Event handlers

The HTMLElement events are inherited.

The following Window onXYZ event handler properties are also available as aliases targeting the window object. However, it is advised to listen to them on the window object directly rather than on HTMLBodyElement.

Note: Using addEventListener() on HTMLBodyElement will not work for the onXYZ event handlers listed below. Listen to the events on the window object instead.


Fired after the associated document has started printing or the print preview has been closed.


Fired when the associated document is about to be printed or previewed for printing.


Fired when the window, the document and its resources are about to be unloaded.


Fired when the window loses focus.


Fired when an error occurs and bubbles up to the window.


Fired when the window gains focus.


Fired when the browser detects that a gamepad has been connected or the first time a button/axis of the gamepad is used.


Fired when the browser detects that a gamepad has been disconnected.


Fired when the fragment identifier of the URL has changed (the part of the URL beginning with and following the # symbol).


Fired when the user's preferred language changes.


Fired when the document has finished loading.


Fired when the window receives a message, for example from a call to Window.postMessage() from another browsing context.


Fired when the window receives a message that can't be deserialized.


Fired when the browser has lost access to the network and the value of Navigator.onLine switches to false.


Fired when the browser has gained access to the network and the value of Navigator.onLine switches to true.


Fired when the browser hides the current page in the process of presenting a different page from the session's history.


Fired when the browser displays the window's document due to navigation.


Fired when the active history entry changes while the user navigates the session history.


Fired whenever a JavaScript Promise is rejected and the rejection has been handled.


Fired when the document view has been resized.


Fired when the document view or an element has been scrolled.


Fired when a storage area (localStorage) has been modified in the context of another document.


Fired whenever a Promise is rejected but the rejection was not handled.


Fired when the document is being unloaded.

Note that while onblur, onerror, onfocus, onload, onresize, and onscroll are available on any element, their meanings on the <body> element are not the same as on other elements. They listen for events on the window object instead.


# htmlbodyelement

Browser compatibility

See also

  • HTML element implementing this interface: <body>