
Returns "locked" if the system is locked, "idle" if the user has not generated any input for a specified number of seconds, or "active" otherwise.

This is an asynchronous function that returns a Promise.


let querying = browser.idle.queryState(
  detectionIntervalInSeconds // integer



integer. The system is considered idle if detectionIntervalInSeconds seconds have elapsed since the last user input detected.

Return value

A Promise that will be fulfilled with an idle.IdleState string, indicating the current state.

Browser compatibility


In this simple snippet, we call queryState() and then check if the returned newState is idle or active, logging a message as appropriate. Because we have specified a detectionIntervalInSeconds of 15, an idle state will only be reported if there has been no user activity for at least 15 seconds

function onGot(newState) {
  if (newState === "idle") {
    console.log("Please come back — we miss you!");
  } else if (newState === "active") {
    console.log("Glad to still have you with us!");

let querying = browser.idle.queryState(15);

Note: This API is based on Chromium's chrome.idle API. This documentation is derived from idle.json in the Chromium code.