
Sets the HTML document that will be opened as a popup when the user clicks on the browser action's icon. Tabs without a specific popup will inherit the global popup, which defaults to the default_popup specified in the manifest.


  details // object



An object with the following properties:

tabId Optional

integer. Sets the popup only for a specific tab. The popup is reset when the user navigates this tab to a new page.

windowId Optional

integer. Sets the popup only for the specified window.

string or null. The HTML file to show in a popup, specified as a URL.

This can point to a file packaged within the extension (for example, created using extension.getURL), or a remote document (e.g.

If an empty string ("") is passed here, the popup is disabled, and the extension will receive browserAction.onClicked events.

If popup is null:

  • If tabId is specified, removes the tab-specific popup so that the tab inherits the global popup.
  • If windowId is specified, removes the window-specific popup so that the window inherits the global popup.
  • If tabId and windowId are both omitted, reverts the global popup to the default value.
  • If windowId and tabId are both supplied, the function fails and the popup is not set.
  • If windowId and tabId are both omitted, the global popup is set.

Browser compatibility


This code adds a pair of context menu items that you can use to switch between two popups. Note that you'll need the "contextMenus" permission set in the extension's manifest to create context menu items.

function onCreated() {
  if (browser.runtime.lastError) {
    console.log("error creating item:", browser.runtime.lastError);
  } else {
    console.log("item created successfully");

    id: "popup-1",
    type: "radio",
    title: "Popup 1",
    contexts: ["all"],
    checked: true,

    id: "popup-2",
    type: "radio",
    title: "Popup 2",
    contexts: ["all"],
    checked: false,

browser.contextMenus.onClicked.addListener((info, tab) => {
  if (info.menuItemId === "popup-1") {
    browser.browserAction.setPopup({ popup: "/popup/popup1.html" });
  } else if (info.menuItemId === "popup-2") {
    browser.browserAction.setPopup({ popup: "/popup/popup2.html" });

Note: This API is based on Chromium's chrome.browserAction API. This documentation is derived from browser_action.json in the Chromium code.