
Baseline Widely available

This feature is well established and works across many devices and browser versions. It’s been available across browsers since July 2015.

The HTMLAnchorElement interface represents hyperlink elements and provides special properties and methods (beyond those of the regular HTMLElement object interface that they inherit from) for manipulating the layout and presentation of such elements. This interface corresponds to <a> element; not to be confused with <link>, which is represented by HTMLLinkElement.

EventTarget Node Element HTMLElement HTMLAnchorElement

Instance properties

Inherits properties from its parent, HTMLElement.

HTMLAnchorElement.attributionSrc Secure context Experimental

Gets and sets the attributionsrc attribute on an <a> element programmatically, reflecting the value of that attribute. attributionsrc specifies that you want the browser to send an Attribution-Reporting-Eligible header. On the server-side this is used to trigger sending an Attribution-Reporting-Register-Source header in the response, to register a navigation-based attribution source.

A string indicating that the linked resource is intended to be downloaded rather than displayed in the browser. The value represents the proposed name of the file. If the name is not a valid filename of the underlying OS, the browser will adapt it.


A string representing the fragment identifier, including the leading hash mark (#), if any, in the referenced URL.

A string representing the hostname and port (if it's not the default port) in the referenced URL.


A string representing the hostname in the referenced URL.


A string that is the result of parsing the href HTML attribute relative to the document, containing a valid URL of a linked resource.


A string that reflects the hreflang HTML attribute, indicating the language of the linked resource.

HTMLAnchorElement.origin Read only

Returns a string containing the origin of the URL, that is its scheme, its domain and its port.


A string containing the password specified before the domain name.


A string containing an initial / followed by the path of the URL, not including the query string or fragment.

A space-separated list of URLs. When the link is followed, the browser will send POST requests with the body PING to the URLs.


A string representing the port component, if any, of the referenced URL.


A string representing the protocol component, including trailing colon (:), of the referenced URL.


A string that reflects the referrerpolicy HTML attribute indicating which referrer to use.


A string that reflects the rel HTML attribute, specifying the relationship of the target object to the linked object.

HTMLAnchorElement.relList Read only

Returns a DOMTokenList that reflects the rel HTML attribute, as a list of tokens.

A string representing the search element, including leading question mark (?), if any, of the referenced URL.

A string that reflects the target HTML attribute, indicating where to display the linked resource.


A string being a synonym for the Node.textContent property.


A string that reflects the type HTML attribute, indicating the MIME type of the linked resource.


A string containing the username specified before the domain name.

Obsolete properties

HTMLAnchorElement.charset Deprecated

A string representing the character encoding of the linked resource.

HTMLAnchorElement.coords Deprecated

A string representing a comma-separated list of coordinates. Deprecated

A string representing the anchor name.

HTMLAnchorElement.rev Deprecated

A string representing that the rev HTML attribute, specifying the relationship of the link object to the target object.

HTMLAnchorElement.shape Deprecated

A string representing the shape of the active area.

Instance methods

Inherits methods from its parent, HTMLElement.


Returns a string containing the whole URL. It is a synonym for HTMLAnchorElement.href, though it can't be used to modify the value.


HTML Standard
# htmlanchorelement

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also

  • The HTML element implementing this interface: <a>