<big>: Elemento para deixar o texto maio
The obsolete HTML Big Element (<big>
) renders the enclosed text at a font size one level larger than the surrounding text (medium
becomes large
, for example). The size is capped at the browser's maximum permitted font size.
Note: Usage note: As it was purely presentational, this element has been removed in HTML5 and shouldn't be used anymore. Instead web developers should use the CSS
property to adjust the font size.
This element has no other attributes than the global attributes, common to all elements.
Here we see examples showing the use of <big>
followed by an example showing how to accomplish the same results using modern CSS syntax instead.
Usando <big>
Este elemento usa o comando <big>
para aumentar o tamanho do texto. O elemento é obsoleto, porém aceitável em todos os navegadores.
Este é o primeiro texto.
<big>Este texto usa big para ficar com a aparência maior.</big>
Using CSS font-size
This example uses the CSS font-size
property to increase the font size by one level.
.bigger {
font-size: larger;
This is the first sentence.
<span class="bigger">This whole sentence is in bigger letters.</span>
DOM interface
This element implements the HTMLElement
Note: Implementation note: Up to Gecko 1.9.2 inclusive, Firefox implements the
interface for this element.