Um atributo booleano indicando que o navegador deve, se possível, executar o script assíncronamente.
Esse atributo não deve ser utilizado se o atributo src estiver ausente (ex. scripts embutidos). Se incluído, nesse caso, ele não terá nenhum efeito.
Scripts inseridos dinamicamente (usando document.createElement) são executados assincronamente por padrão, então para torná-lo uma execução síncrona (ex. executar scripts na ordem que eles foram carregados) atribua async=false.
Elementos script passam o mínimo de informação para window.onerror em scripts que não passem na checagem do CORS. Para permitir logs de erro para sites que usam domínios diferentes para arquivos estáticos, use esse atributo. Veja CORS settings attributes para uma explicação mais detalhada dos argumentos válidos.
Esse atributo Boleano é usado para indicar ao navegador que o script deve ser executado depois que o documento tenha sido parseado, mas antes de disparar o evento DOMContentLoaded
Scripts com o atributo defer vão impedir que o evento DOMContentLoaded seja disparado até que o script seja carregado e tenha terminado de ser avaliado.
Esse atributo não deve ser usado se o atibuto src estiver ausente (ex. scripts inline), nesse caso ele não vai ter efeito.
Para conseguir um efeito similar para scripts inseridos dinamicamente use async=false. Scripts com o atributo defer vão ser executados na ordem em que aparecem no document.
Contains inline metadata that a user agent can use to verify that a fetched resource has been delivered free of unexpected manipulation. See Subresource Integrity.
This Boolean attribute is set to indicate that the script should not be executed in browsers that support ES6 modules — in effect, this can be used to serve fallback scripts to older browsers that do not support modular JavaScript code.
This attribute specifies the URI of an external script; this can be used as an alternative to embedding a script directly within a document. If a script element has a src attribute specified, it should not have a script embedded inside its tags.
Like the textContentattribute, this attribute sets the text content of the element. Unlike the textContent attribute, however, this attribute is evaluated as executable code after the node is inserted into the DOM.
Indicates the type of script represented. The value of this attribute will be in one of the following categories:
Omitted or a JavaScript MIME type: For HTML5-complient browsers this indicates the script is JavaScript. HTML5 spec urges authors to omit the attribute rather than provided a redundant MIME type. In earlier browsers, this identified the scripting language of the embedded or imported (via the src attribute) code. JavaScript MIME types are listed in the specification.
module: For HTML5-complient browsers the code is treated as a JavaScript module. Processing of the script contents are not affected by the charset and defer attributes. For information on using module, see ES6 in Depth: Modules.
Any other value or MIME type: Embedded content is treated as a data block which won't be processed by the browser. The src attribute will be ignored.
Note that in Firefox you can use advanced features such as let statements and other features in later JS versions, by using type=application/javascript;version=1.8Non-standard
. Beware, however, that as this is a non-standard feature, this will most likely break support for other browsers, in particular Chromium-based browsers.
For how to include exotic programming languages, read about Rosetta.
If present, its value must be an ASCII case-insensitive match for "utf-8". Both it's unnecessary to specify the charset attribute, because documents must use UTF-8, and the script element inherits its character encoding from the document.
Like the type attribute, this attribute identifies the scripting language in use. Unlike the type attribute, however, this attribute's possible values were never standardized. The type attribute should be used instead.
Scripts without async or defer attributes, as well as inline scripts, are fetched and executed immediately, before the browser continues to parse the page.
The script should be served with the text/javascript MIME type, but browsers are lenient and only block them if the script is served with an image type (image/*), a video type (video/*), an audio (audio/*) type, or text/csv. If the script is blocked, an error is sent to the element, if not a success event is sent.
Tip: you can click/tap on a cell for more information.
Full support
Full support
Partial support
Partial support
In development. Supported in a pre-release version.
In development. Supported in a pre-release version.
No support
No support
Experimental. Expect behavior to change in the future.
See implementation notes.
Has more compatibility info.
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