XRWebGLLayer: ignoreDepthValues property
Limited availability
This feature is not Baseline because it does not work in some of the most widely-used browsers.
Experimental: This is an experimental technology
Check the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers.
The read-only XRWebGLLayer
is a Boolean value which is
if the session has been configured to ignore the values in the depth
buffer while rendering the scene. If the depth buffer is being used to determine the
position of vertices, this property is false
The value of ignoreDepthValues
can only be set when the
is instantiated, by setting the corresponding value in the constructor's options
A Boolean value which is true
if the WebGL context's depth buffer is being
used while computing the locations of points in the 3D world. Otherwise, if this is
, the depth buffer's values are being used to assist in placing objects
in the scene. Since the XR compositor uses the depth buffer by default, this value is false
unless explicitly set otherwise when creating the XRWebGLLayer
using its
constructor, XRWebGLLayer()
Usage notes
When the ignoreDepthValues
property is false
, the XR
compositor uses the values found in the depth buffer, which should be accurate for the
scene, in order to potentially improve the quality or the output as well as the comfort
level for the viewer.
The depth buffer is framebufferWidth
entries wide and framebuffer
tall. Each entry in the buffer specifies the depth at which the corresponding pixel is
located, and has a value between 0.0 and 1.0.
A depth buffer pixel value of 0.0 corresponds to the depth given by the session's
and a value of 1.0 corresponds to
the depth given by depthFar
The depth, in tandem with the coordinates of each point being rendered, makes it possible to more accurately represent the scene in the 3D space.
If the Web application which is using WeXR is rendering its content without using a
depth buffer—or if the depth buffer's contents are invalid—you should disable the use of
the depth buffer for WebXR rendering by setting ignoreDepthValues
to true
when creating the XRWebGLLayer
. This is demonstrated in the snippet of
code below:
const glLayerOptions = {
ignoreDepthValues: true,
let glLayer = new XRWebGLLayer(xrSession, gl, glLayerOptions);
Specification |
WebXR Device API # dom-xrwebgllayer-ignoredepthvalues |
Browser compatibility
See also
- WebXR Device API
- WebGL depth buffer related methods: