XRMediaBinding: createCylinderLayer() method

Limited availability

This feature is not Baseline because it does not work in some of the most widely-used browsers.

Experimental: This is an experimental technology
Check the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.

The createCylinderLayer() method of the XRMediaBinding interface returns an XRCylinderLayer object which is a layer that takes up a curved rectangular space in the virtual environment.


createCylinderLayer(video, options)



An HTMLVideoElement to display.


An object to configure the XRCylinderLayer. The object can have the following properties and space is required:

aspectRatio Optional

A number indicating the ratio of the visible cylinder section. It is the ratio of the width of the visible section of the cylinder divided by its height. The width is calculated by multiplying the radius with the centralAngle.

centralAngle Optional

A number indicating the angle in radians of the visible section of the cylinder. Default value: 0.78539 (π / 4).

invertStereo Optional

A boolean specifying if the natural location of each view in the video should be inverted. By default false.

layout Optional

A string indicating the layout of the video. Possible values:


The layer accommodates all views of the session.


A single XRSubImage is allocated and presented to both eyes.


The user agent decides how it allocates the XRSubImage (one or two) and the layout (top/bottom or left/right). It is recommended to use the texture-array texture type for stereo layouts.


A single XRSubImage is allocated. Left eye gets the left area of the texture, right eye the right. This layout is designed to minimize draw calls for content that is already in stereo (for example stereo videos or images).


A single XRSubImage is allocated. Left eye gets the top area of the texture, right eye the bottom. This layout is designed to minimize draw calls for content that is already in stereo (for example stereo videos or images). The default value is mono.

radius Optional

A number indicating the radius of the cylinder. Default value 2.0.

space Required

An XRSpace object defining the layer's spatial relationship with the user's physical environment.

transform Optional

An XRRigidTransform object defining the offset and orientation relative to space.

Return value

An XRCylinderLayer object.


Creating an XRCylinderLayer to display a video

Create an XRMediaBinding and use an HTMLVideoElement that is passed into createCylinderLayer(). Configure the quad layer using the options listed above and present the layer to the XR device by adding it to the layers render state in XRSession.updateRenderState().

function onXRSessionStarted(xrSession) {
  const xrMediaBinding = new XRMediaBinding(xrSession);
  const video = document.createElement("video");
  video.src = "just-fascination.mp4";

  const videoLayer = xrMediaBinding.createCylinderLayer(video, {
    space: xrReferenceSpace,

    layers: [videoLayer],


WebXR Layers API Level 1
# dom-xrmediabinding-createcylinderlayer

Browser compatibility

See also