
Limited availability

This feature is not Baseline because it does not work in some of the most widely-used browsers.

Experimental: This is an experimental technology
Check the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.

The add() method of Temporal.ZonedDateTime instances returns a new Temporal.ZonedDateTime object representing this date-time moved forward by a given duration (in a form convertible by Temporal.Duration.from()).


add(duration, options)



A string, an object, or a Temporal.Duration instance representing a duration to add to this date-time. It is converted to a Temporal.Duration object using the same algorithm as Temporal.Duration.from().

options Optional

An object containing the following property:

overflow Optional

A string specifying the behavior when a date component is out of range. Possible values are:

"constrain" (default)

The date component is clamped to the valid range.


A RangeError is thrown if the date component is out of range.

Return value

A new Temporal.ZonedDateTime object representing the date-time specified by the original ZonedDateTime, plus the duration.



Thrown if the result is not in the representable range, which is ±108 days, or about ±273,972.6 years, from the Unix epoch.


For how calendar durations are added, see Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.add().

Addition and subtraction are performed according to rules defined in RFC 5545 (iCalendar):

  • Add/subtract the date portion of a duration using calendar arithmetic; in other words, add the date portion to its PlainDateTime using Temporal.PlainDateTime.prototype.add(), and then interpret the result in the same time zone. The result will automatically adjust for daylight saving time using the rules of this instance's timeZone field. For example, 2024-11-03T01:00:00-04:00[America/New_York] plus one day is 2024-11-04T01:00:00-05:00[America/New_York], as if the day has 25 hours.
    • If the date-time is ambiguous or invalid due to a time zone offset transition, it is resolved using the disambiguation: "compatible" behavior: the later of the two possible instants will be used for time-skipped transitions and the earlier of the two possible instants will be used for time-repeated transitions. For example, 2024-03-09T02:05:00-05:00[America/New_York] plus one day is supposedly 2024-03-10T02:05:00-05:00[America/New_York], but this time doesn't exist, so the wall-clock time one hour after, 2024-03-10T03:05:00-04:00[America/New_York], is returned.
    • If the offset is ambiguous, it is resolved using the offset: "prefer" behavior: the offset is used if it's valid for the time zone and the local time, and recalculated otherwise. For example, 2024-11-02T01:00:00-04:00[America/New_York] plus one day is 2024-11-03T01:00:00-04:00[America/New_York], while 2024-11-04T01:00:00-05:00[America/New_York] minus one day is 2024-11-03T01:00:00-05:00[America/New_York].
    • If the resulting date-time's components are out of bounds, they are resolved using the overflow option. For example, 2024-08-31 plus one month is 2024-09-31 which doesn't exist, so it is clamped to 2024-09-30 by default.
  • Add/subtract the time portion of a duration using real-world time; in other words, add the time portion to its Instant using Temporal.Instant.prototype.add(), and then interpret the result in the same time zone. For example, 2024-11-03T01:00:00-04:00[America/New_York] plus one hour is 2024-11-03T01:00:00-05:00[America/New_York].

These rules make arithmetic with Temporal.ZonedDateTime "DST-safe", which means that the results most closely match the expectations of both real-world users and implementers of other standards-compliant calendar applications. These expectations include:

  • Adding or subtracting days should keep clock time consistent across DST transitions. For example, if you have an appointment on Saturday at 1:00PM and you ask to reschedule it 1 day later, you would expect the reschedule appointment to still be at 1:00PM, even if there was a DST transition overnight.
  • Adding or subtracting the time portion of a duration should ignore DST transitions. For example, a friend you've asked to meet in in 2 hours will be annoyed if you show up 1 hour or 3 hours later. There should be a consistent and relatively-unsurprising order of operations.
  • If results are at or near a DST transition, ambiguities should be handled automatically (no crashing) and deterministically.

Adding a duration is equivalent to subtracting its negation.


Adding a duration

const start = Temporal.ZonedDateTime.from(
const end = start.add({
  years: 1,
  months: 2,
  weeks: 3,
  days: 4,
  hours: 5,
  minutes: 6,
  seconds: 7,
  milliseconds: 8,
console.log(end.toString()); // 2023-01-26T17:41:03.008-05:00[America/New_York]

For more examples, especially with how different calendars and the overflow option interact with calendar durations, see Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.add().


Temporal proposal
# sec-temporal.zoneddatetime.prototype.add

Browser compatibility

See also