The <tspan>SVG element defines a subtext within a <text> element or another <tspan> element. It allows for adjustment of the style and/or position of that subtext as needed.
The <tspan> element does not wrap by default, to make this happen it needs to be styled with the white-space CSS property.
The x coordinate of the starting point of the text baseline, or the x coordinate of each individual glyph if a list of values is provided.
Value type: List of (<length>|<percentage>) ; Default value: 0; Animatable: yes
The y coordinate of the starting point of the text baseline, or the y coordinate of each individual glyph if a list of values is provided.
Value type: List of (<length>|<percentage>) ; Default value: 0; Animatable: yes
Shifts the text position horizontally from a previous text element, or shifts the position of each individual glyph if a list of values is provided.
Value type: List of (<length>|<percentage>) ; Default value: none; Animatable: yes
Shifts the text position vertically from a previous text element, or shifts the position of each individual glyph if a list of values is provided.
Value type: List of (<length>|<percentage>) ; Default value: none; Animatable: yes
How the text is stretched or compressed to fit the width defined by the textLength attribute.
Value type: spacing|spacingAndGlyphs; Default value: spacing; Animatable: yes
Tip: you can click/tap on a cell for more information.
Full support
Full support
No support
No support
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