SpeechRecognition: maxAlternatives property

Limited availability

This feature is not Baseline because it does not work in some of the most widely-used browsers.

The maxAlternatives property of the SpeechRecognition interface sets the maximum number of SpeechRecognitionAlternatives provided per SpeechRecognitionResult.

The default value is 1.


A number representing the maximum returned alternatives for each result.


This code is excerpted from our Speech color changer example.

const grammar =
  "#JSGF V1.0; grammar colors; public <color> = aqua | azure | beige | bisque | black | blue | brown | chocolate | coral | crimson | cyan | fuchsia | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lime | linen | magenta | maroon | moccasin | navy | olive | orange | orchid | peru | pink | plum | purple | red | salmon | sienna | silver | snow | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | turquoise | violet | white | yellow ;";
const recognition = new SpeechRecognition();
const speechRecognitionList = new SpeechGrammarList();
speechRecognitionList.addFromString(grammar, 1);
recognition.grammars = speechRecognitionList;
//recognition.continuous = false;
recognition.lang = "en-US";
recognition.interimResults = false;
recognition.maxAlternatives = 1;

// ...


Web Speech API
# dom-speechrecognition-maxalternatives

Browser compatibility

See also