SVGLength: newValueSpecifiedUnits() method

Baseline Widely available

This feature is well established and works across many devices and browser versions. It’s been available across browsers since January 2020.

The newValueSpecifiedUnits() method of the SVGLength interface resets the value as a number with an associated unitType, thereby replacing the values for all of the attributes on the object.


newValueSpecifiedUnits(unitType, valueInSpecifiedUnits)



A constant representing the unit type to which the length's value should be converted. This must be one of the constant values defined for the unitType property, with the exception of SVG_LENGTHTYPE_UNKNOWN.

  • SVGLength.SVG_LENGTHTYPE_NUMBER: convert to unitless number
  • SVGLength.SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PERCENTAGE: convert to percentage
  • SVGLength.SVG_LENGTHTYPE_EMS: convert to em units
  • SVGLength.SVG_LENGTHTYPE_EXS: convert to ex units
  • SVGLength.SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PX: convert to pixels
  • SVGLength.SVG_LENGTHTYPE_CM: convert to centimeters
  • SVGLength.SVG_LENGTHTYPE_MM: convert to millimeters
  • SVGLength.SVG_LENGTHTYPE_IN: convert to inches
  • SVGLength.SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PT: convert to points
  • SVGLength.SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PC: convert to picas

The numeric factor for the length value, expressed in the specified unit type.

Return value

None (undefined).


This method may raise a DOMException of one of the following types:

NotSupportedError DOMException

Thrown if unitType is SVG_LENGTHTYPE_UNKNOWN or not a valid unit type constant.

NoModificationAllowedError DOMException

Thrown if SVGLength corresponds to a read-only attribute or when the object itself is read-only.


Setting a length value with specific units

// Get an SVGLength object
const svg = document.querySelector("svg");
const length = svg.createSVGLength();

// Set a new value with specific units
length.newValueSpecifiedUnits(SVGLength.SVG_LENGTHTYPE_NUMBER, 45);
console.log(length.valueInSpecifiedUnits); // Output: 45
console.log(length.unitType); // Output: 1 (SVG_LENGTHTYPE_NUMBER)
console.log(length.value); // The value converted to the user coordinate system

// Change the value to pixels
length.newValueSpecifiedUnits(SVGLength.SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PX, 100);
console.log(length.valueInSpecifiedUnits); // Output: 100
console.log(length.unitType); // Output: 5 (SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PX)


Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 2
# __svg__SVGLength__newValueSpecifiedUnits

Browser compatibility

See also