
Baseline Widely available *

This feature is well established and works across many devices and browser versions. It’s been available across browsers since January 2020.

* Some parts of this feature may have varying levels of support.

The <radialGradient> SVG element lets authors define radial gradients that can be applied to fill or stroke of graphical elements.

Note: Don't be confused with CSS radial-gradient() as CSS gradients can only apply to HTML elements where SVG gradient can only apply to SVG elements.


  viewBox="0 0 10 10"
    <radialGradient id="myGradient">
      <stop offset="10%" stop-color="gold" />
      <stop offset="95%" stop-color="red" />

  <!-- using my radial gradient -->
  <circle cx="5" cy="5" r="4" fill="url('#myGradient')" />



This attribute defines the x coordinate of the end circle of the radial gradient. Value type: <length> ; Default value: 50%; Animatable: yes


This attribute defines the y coordinate of the end circle of the radial gradient. Value type: <length> ; Default value: 50%; Animatable: yes


This attribute defines the radius of the start circle of the radial gradient. The gradient will be drawn such that the 0% <stop> is mapped to the perimeter of the start circle. Value type: <length> ; Default value: 0%; Animatable: yes


This attribute defines the x coordinate of the start circle of the radial gradient. Value type: <length> ; Default value: Same as cx; Animatable: yes


This attribute defines the y coordinate of the start circle of the radial gradient. Value type: <length> ; Default value: Same as cy; Animatable: yes


This attribute defines the coordinate system for attributes cx, cy, r, fx, fy, fr Value type: userSpaceOnUse|objectBoundingBox ; Default value: objectBoundingBox; Animatable: yes


This attribute provides additional transformation to the gradient coordinate system. Value type: <transform-list> ; Default value: identity transform; Animatable: yes


This attribute defines a reference to another <radialGradient> element that will be used as a template. Value type: <URL> ; Default value: none; Animatable: yes


This attribute defines the radius of the end circle of the radial gradient. The gradient will be drawn such that the 100% <stop> is mapped to the perimeter of the end circle. Value type: <length> ; Default value: 50%; Animatable: yes


This attribute indicates how the gradient behaves if it starts or ends inside the bounds of the shape containing the gradient. Value type: pad|reflect|repeat ; Default value: pad; Animatable: yes

xlink:href Deprecated

An <IRI> reference to another <radialGradient> element that will be used as a template. Value type: <IRI> ; Default value: none; Animatable: yes

Usage context

CategoriesGradient element
Permitted contentAny number of the following elements, in any order:
Descriptive elements
<animate>, <animateTransform>, <discard>, <script>, <set>, <stop>, <style>


Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 2
# RadialGradientElement

Browser compatibility