
Limited availability

This feature is not Baseline because it does not work in some of the most widely-used browsers.

The getNumberingSystems() method of Intl.Locale instances returns a list of one or more unique numbering system identifiers for this locale.

Note: In some versions of some browsers, this method was implemented as an accessor property called numberingSystems. However, because it returns a new array on each access, it is now implemented as a method to prevent the situation of locale.numberingSystems === locale.numberingSystems returning false. Check the browser compatibility table for details.





Return value

An array of strings representing all numbering systems commonly used for the Locale, sorted in descending preference. If the Locale already has a numberingSystem, then the returned array contains that single value.

A table of the standard Unicode numeral systems can be seen below.

Supported numbering system types

Value Description
adlm Adlam digits
ahom Ahom digits
arab Arabic-Indic digits
arabext Extended Arabic-Indic digits
armn Armenian upper case numerals — algorithmic
armnlow Armenian lower case numerals — algorithmic
bali Balinese digits
beng Bengali digits
bhks Bhaiksuki digits
brah Brahmi digits
cakm Chakma digits
cham Cham digits
cyrl Cyrillic numerals — algorithmic
deva Devanagari digits
ethi Ethiopic numerals — algorithmic
finance Financial numerals — may be algorithmic
fullwide Full width digits
geor Georgian numerals — algorithmic
gong Gunjala Gondi digits
gonm Masaram Gondi digits
grek Greek upper case numerals — algorithmic
greklow Greek lower case numerals — algorithmic
gujr Gujarati digits
guru Gurmukhi digits
hanidays Han-character day-of-month numbering for lunar/other traditional calendars
hanidec Positional decimal system using Chinese number ideographs as digits
hans Simplified Chinese numerals — algorithmic
hansfin Simplified Chinese financial numerals — algorithmic
hant Traditional Chinese numerals — algorithmic
hantfin Traditional Chinese financial numerals — algorithmic
hebr Hebrew numerals — algorithmic
hmng Pahawh Hmong digits
hmnp Nyiakeng Puachue Hmong digits
java Javanese digits
jpan Japanese numerals — algorithmic
jpanfin Japanese financial numerals — algorithmic
jpanyear Japanese first-year Gannen numbering for Japanese calendar
kali Kayah Li digits
khmr Khmer digits
knda Kannada digits
lana Tai Tham Hora (secular) digits
lanatham Tai Tham (ecclesiastical) digits
laoo Lao digits
latn Latin digits
lepc Lepcha digits
limb Limbu digits
mathbold Mathematical bold digits
mathdbl Mathematical double-struck digits
mathmono Mathematical monospace digits
mathsanb Mathematical sans-serif bold digits
mathsans Mathematical sans-serif digits
mlym Malayalam digits
modi Modi digits
mong Mongolian digits
mroo Mro digits
mtei Meetei Mayek digits
mymr Myanmar digits
mymrshan Myanmar Shan digits
mymrtlng Myanmar Tai Laing digits
native Native digits
newa Newa digits
nkoo N'Ko digits
olck Ol Chiki digits
orya Oriya digits
osma Osmanya digits
rohg Hanifi Rohingya digits
roman Roman upper case numerals — algorithmic
romanlow Roman lowercase numerals — algorithmic
saur Saurashtra digits
shrd Sharada digits
sind Khudawadi digits
sinh Sinhala Lith digits
sora Sora_Sompeng digits
sund Sundanese digits
takr Takri digits
talu New Tai Lue digits
taml Tamil numerals — algorithmic
tamldec Modern Tamil decimal digits
telu Telugu digits
thai Thai digits
tirh Tirhuta digits
tibt Tibetan digits
traditio Traditional numerals — may be algorithmic
vaii Vai digits
wara Warang Citi digits
wcho Wancho digits


Obtaining supported numbering systems

If the Locale object doesn't have a numberingSystem already, getNumberingSystems() lists all commonly-used numbering systems for the given Locale. For examples of explicitly setting a numberingSystem, see numberingSystem examples.

const arEG = new Intl.Locale("ar-EG");
console.log(arEG.getNumberingSystems()); // ["arab"]
const ja = new Intl.Locale("ja");
console.log(ja.getNumberingSystems()); // ["latn"]


Intl Locale Info Proposal
# sec-Intl.Locale.prototype.getNumberingSystems

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also