
Limited availability

This feature is not Baseline because it does not work in some of the most widely-used browsers.

The PageRevealEvent event object is made available inside handler functions for the pagereveal event.

During a cross-document navigation, it allows you to manipulate a related view transition (providing access to the relevant ViewTransition object) from the document being navigated to, if a view transition was triggered by the navigation.

Outside view transitions, this event is also useful for cases such as triggering a startup animation, or reporting a page view. It's equivalent to the first Window.requestAnimationFrame() run after a cross-document navigation, if you were to trigger requestAnimationFrame() in the <head> of the document. For example, if you ran the following reveal() function in the <head>:

function reveal() {
  // Include startup animation here
/* This will fire in the first rendered frame after loading */
requestAnimationFrame(() => reveal());

/* This will fire if the page is restored from BFCache */
window.onpagehide = () => requestAnimationFrame(() => reveal());



Creates a new PageRevealEvent object instance.

Instance properties

viewTransition Read only

Contains a ViewTransition object representing the active view transition for the cross-document navigation.


window.addEventListener("pagereveal", async (e) => {
  // If the "from" history entry does not exist, return
  if (!navigation.activation.from) return;

  // Only run this if an active view transition exists
  if (e.viewTransition) {
    const fromUrl = new URL(navigation.activation.from.url);
    const currentUrl = new URL(navigation.activation.entry.url);

    // Went from profile page to homepage
    // ~> Set VT names on the relevant list item
    if (isProfilePage(fromUrl) && isHomePage(currentUrl)) {
      const profile = extractProfileNameFromUrl(fromUrl);

      // Set view-transition-name values on the elements to animate
      document.querySelector(`#${profile} span`).style.viewTransitionName =
      document.querySelector(`#${profile} img`).style.viewTransitionName =

      // Remove names after snapshots have been taken
      // so that we're ready for the next navigation
      await e.viewTransition.ready;
      document.querySelector(`#${profile} span`).style.viewTransitionName =
      document.querySelector(`#${profile} img`).style.viewTransitionName =

    // Went to profile page
    // ~> Set VT names on the main title and image
    if (isProfilePage(currentUrl)) {
      // Set view-transition-name values on the elements to animate
      document.querySelector(`#detail main h1`).style.viewTransitionName =
      document.querySelector(`#detail main img`).style.viewTransitionName =

      // Remove names after snapshots have been taken
      // so that we're ready for the next navigation
      await e.viewTransition.ready;
      document.querySelector(`#detail main h1`).style.viewTransitionName =
      document.querySelector(`#detail main img`).style.viewTransitionName =

Note: See List of Chrome DevRel team members for the live demo this code is taken from.


# the-pagerevealevent-interface

Browser compatibility

See also