
The HTTP Proxy-Authorization request header contains the credentials to authenticate a client with a proxy server, typically after the server has responded with a 407 Proxy Authentication Required status with the Proxy-Authenticate header.

Header type Request header
Forbidden request header Yes


Proxy-Authorization: <auth-scheme> <credentials>



A case-insensitive token indicating the Authentication scheme used. Some of the more common types are Basic, Digest, Negotiate and AWS4-HMAC-SHA256. IANA maintains a list of authentication schemes, but there are other schemes offered by host services.


Credentials use for the authentication scheme. Generally, you will need to check the relevant specifications for the format.

Note: See Authorization for more details.


Basic authentication

In Basic auth, credentials are sent in the format <username>:<password> (for example, aladdin:opensesame). The resulting string is then base64 encoded (YWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuc2VzYW1l).

Proxy-Authorization: Basic YWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuc2VzYW1l

Warning: Base64 encoding is reversible, and therefore offers no cryptographic security. This method can be considered equivalent to sending the credentials in clear text. HTTPS is always recommended when using authentication, but is even more so when using Basic authentication.

Bearer authentication (auth token)

Proxy-Authorization: Bearer kNTktNTA1My00YzLT1234


HTTP Semantics
# field.proxy-authorization

See also