
Altura (em pixels) da janela de visualização do navegador, incluindo, se renderizado, a barra de rolagem horizontal.

Nota: If you use nsIDOMWindowUtils.setCSSViewport() to set the virtual window size for page layout purposes, the value returned by this property corresponds to the viewport height set using that method.


var intViewportHeight = window.innerHeight;


On return, intViewportHeight is the height of the browser window's viewport.

The window.innerHeight property is read only; it has no default value.


The innerHeight property is supported in any window object like a window, a frame, a frameset, or a secondary window.

There is an algorithm to obtain the height of the viewport excluding, if rendered, the horizontal scrollbar.


Assuming a frameset

var intFrameHeight = window.innerHeight; // or

var intFrameHeight = self.innerHeight;
// will return the height of the frame viewport within the frameset

var intFramesetHeight = parent.innerHeight;
// will return the height of the viewport of the closest frameset

var intOuterFramesetHeight = top.innerHeight;
// will return the height of the viewport of the outermost frameset
{{todo("link to an interactive demo here")}}

To change the size of a window, see window.resizeBy() and window.resizeTo().

To get the outer height of a window, i.e. the height of the whole browser window, see window.outerHeight.

Graphical example

The following figure shows the difference between outerHeight and innerHeight.

innerHeight vs outerHeight illustration


CSSOM View Module
# dom-window-innerheight

Compatibilidade com navegadores

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also