
已弃用: 不再推荐使用该特性。虽然一些浏览器仍然支持它,但也许已从相关的 web 标准中移除,也许正准备移除或出于兼容性而保留。请尽量不要使用该特性,并更新现有的代码;参见本页面底部的兼容性表格以指导你作出决定。请注意,该特性随时可能无法正常工作。

clip 属性是定义元素可见区域的属性。

clip 属性的参数值与 CSS clip property 的参数值定义相同。指示当前用户坐标的无单位的值,可以用在 <shape> 的坐标值上。auto 值定义了一个剪切路径,其边界沿着由给定元素创建的视口的边界。

As a presentation attribute, it can be applied to any element but it has effect only on the following six elements: <svg>, <symbol>, <image>, <foreignObject>, <pattern>, <marker>


<svg viewBox="0 0 20 10" xmlns="">
  <!-- Auto clipping -->
  <svg x="0" width="10" height="10" clip="auto">
    <circle cx="5" cy="5" r="4" stroke="green" />

  <!-- Rect(top, right, bottom, left) clipping -->
  <svg x="10" width="10" height="10" clip="rect(1, 9, 8, 2)">
    <circle cx="5" cy="5" r="4" stroke="green" />


Warning: This property is deprecated. Use clip-path instead.

可用值 auto | <shape> | inherit
默认值 Yes
Animatable Yes

The value auto defines a clipping path along the bounds of the viewport created by the given element.

The value rect() defines a clipping rectangle following the following syntax: rect(<top>, <right>, <bottom>, <left>). The <top> and <bottom> values specify offsets from the top border edge of the element viewport, while <right> and <left> specify offsets from the left border edge of the element viewport.


CSS Masking Module Level 1
# clip-property
