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MDN Offline

Web docs without web access: the full power of MDN, offline

Leverage the offline capability of our MDN PWA to work on the go. Whether you're in a high-speed train, a cabin in the woods or just looking to save some data, MDN Offline gives you access to the full power of your favorite dev resource, so your projects aren't interrupted. The site is snappier and your experience better.

When you need access to MDN even without an internet connection, MDN Offline allows you to browse the most up to date version of the site, or simply to have a faster experience while saving data.

Getting started

To start using MDN Offline, you must first Enable offline storage.

  1. Click on your avatar(top-right) and open the user menu → My Settings Screenshot showing expanded user menu revealing the MDN Offline menu option.
  2. Under MDN Offline use the Enable offline storage switch. Screenshot showing MDN Offline page with the enable offline toggle highlighted.

You can also add it to your homescreen for an experience similar to using a native app.

Choose how to stay up-to-date

  1. Enable offline storage Screenshot showing MDN Offline page with the enable offline toggle highlighted.
  2. Choose how to update
  3. Manually update by clicking Update now or Enable auto-update Screenshot showing MDN Offline page with the auto update toggle highlighted.
  4. Clicking Update now will start the download of the latest version of MDN Web Docs. Screenshot showing MDN Offline page with the update now button highlighted.
  5. The date of the last update is also shown.

Clear stored data

Open the user menu → MDN Offline → Clear data

Screenshot showing MDN Offline page with the clear data button highlighted.

Supported Features

Some insight into what can be expected from using MDN Offline

Browsing Content

If offline mode is enabled, offline content is preferred. All content works without an internet connection, with the exception of a few github-based examples and large video files. You can also indicate you prefer offline content even when online.

NOTE: MDN Offline cannot be used while in a private or incognito window.