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MDN. Hand selected by you.

Collections allow you to save MDN articles and share your library across devices. We also automatically save for you the pages you visit most frequently. They will help you find what you need quicker by showing first in your search results when looking for a relevant topic and you’ll be able to curate the lists to your liking.

Getting started

To start creating your Collections, Save a page first.


  1. Select Save at the top of the page. Screenshot showing save button highlighted at the top right of the page.
  2. Click Save in the dialog that opens. Screenshot showing collections dialog with save button highlighted.


  1. Open the ⋮ menu Screenshot showing three dot button highlighted at the top right of the page.
  2. Tap on Save. Screenshot showing the save menu entry highlighted.
  3. In the next view that opens, tap Save Screenshot showing the save collection item view. This contains two inputs and two buttons one of which is the save button.

Reaching the Collections page

When an article is saved, it appears in Collections.


  1. Click on your avatar at the top-right and select Collections. Screenshot showing the user menu entry expanded. This reveals a number of options the second of which is Collections.


  1. Open the main menu by tapping on the burger menu icon at the top right of the page. Screenshot showing the burger menu icon highlighted.
  2. Click on your avatar / email address at the bottom of the menu. Screenshot showing the expanded user menu.
  3. From the submenu, tap on Collections. Screenshot showing the expanded submenu with Collections highlighted.

The Collections page overview

Your saved articles will appear on the collections dashboard accessible from the MDN Plus → Collections link.


Screenshot showing the collections dashboard. The dashboard shows a list of all pages you have saved.


Screenshot showing the collections dashboard on mobile. The dashboard shows a list of all pages you have saved.

Adding notes


Add notes from an article page

  1. Select Saved at the top of the page. Screenshot showing and article page that has been saved to your collections. The saved button located at the top right of the page is highlighted.
  2. Type the note you’d like to add in the Note field and select Save. Screenshot showing the collection dialog. It contains two input fields and two buttons. The second input field is for notes.

Add notes from Collections

  1. Click the ⋮ menu to the right of the bookmark and select Edit. Screenshot showing the collection dashboard. On the right of an entry is a three dot menu item which is highlighted
  2. Select Edit. Screenshot showing the expanded three dot menu. This reveals two options, the first of which is edit.
  3. Type the note you’d like to add in the Note field and select Save. Screenshot showing the edit collection entry dialog. It contains two input fields and two buttons. The second input field is for notes.


Add notes from an article page

  1. Click the ⋮ menu to the right of the saved article Screenshot showing the three dot menu at the top right.
  2. Select Saved. Screenshot showing the article actions menu with the saved menu entry highlighted.
  3. Type the note you’d like to add in the Note field and select Save. Screenshot showing the edit saved collection entry view. It contains two input fields and two buttons. The second input field is for notes.

Add notes from Collections

  1. Click the ⋮ menu to the right of the saved article and select Edit. Screenshot showing the expanded three dot menu located to the right of a collection entry. The first option is edit.
  2. Type the note you’d like to add in the Note field and select Save. Screenshot showing the edit saved collection entry view. It contains two input fields and two buttons. The second input field is for notes.

Removing a saved page


Remove a saved page from an article page

  1. Select Saved at the top of the page. Screenshot showing and article page that has been saved to your collections. The saved button located at the top right of the page is highlighted.
  2. Select Delete. Screenshot showing the collection dialog. It contains two input fields and two buttons. The second button is delete, which is also highlighted

Remove a saved page from Collections

  1. Click the ⋮ menu to the right of the saved page and select Delete. Screenshot showing the expanded three dots icon. There are two options, the second of which is delete.
  2. Your saved page has now been removed. Select Undo in the notification at the bottom of the screen to revert this action. Screenshot showing the undo toast dialog at the bottom of the page. The undo button located on the right is highlighted


Remove a saved page from an article page

  1. Click the ⋮ menu to the right of the saved article Screenshot showing the three dot menu at the top right.
  2. Select Saved. Screenshot showing the article actions menu with the saved menu entry highlighted.
  3. Select Delete. Screenshot showing the edit view on mobile. It contains two input fields and two buttons. The second button is delete, which is also highlighted

Remove a saved page from Collections

  1. Click the ⋮ menu to the right of the saved page and select Delete. Screenshot showing the expanded three dots icon. There are two options, the second of which is delete.
  2. Your saved page has now been removed. Select Undo in the notification at the bottom of the screen to revert this action. Screenshot showing the undo toast dialog at the bottom of the page. The undo button located on the right is highlighted

Filtering saved pages

Saved pages can be filtered by searching Title keywords through the page search bar.

Screenshot showing collections dashboard highlighting text inside the filter input element.

Sorting saved pages

Saved pages can be sorted by Date added and Title. The input element is located to the right of the Collections search input.

Screenshot showing collections dashboard with sort element expanded showing the date and title sorting options.

Frequently viewed articles

These are collections we automatically create for you, based on your activity while being logged into MDN Plus. As an MDN Plus user, you are automatically opted into this feature.

Screenshot showing collections dashboard with the frequently viewed articles tab active.

How are these articles generated?

Frequently viewed pages are articles you visit most frequently while logged into MDN Plus. We will always show you your most recent top viewed 20 pages.

Remove a saved page from Frequently viewed articles


  1. Click the ⋮ menu to the right of the saved page and select Delete. Screenshot showing the expanded three dots icon. There are two options, the second of which is delete.
  2. Your saved page has now been removed. Select Undo in the notification at the bottom of the screen to revert this action. Screenshot showing the undo toast dialog at the bottom of the page. The undo button located on the right is highlighted


Click the ⋮ menu to the right of the saved page and select Delete. Your saved page has now been removed. Select Undo in the notification at the bottom of the screen to revert this action.

  1. Click the ⋮ menu to the right of the saved page and select Delete. Screenshot showing the expanded three dots icon. There are two options, the second of which is delete.
  2. Your saved page has now been removed. Select Undo in the notification at the bottom of the screen to revert this action. Screenshot showing the undo toast dialog at the bottom of the page. The undo button located on the right is highlighted