
The string function converts the given argument to a string.


string( [object] )


object (optional)

The object to convert to a string. If omitted, the context node is used.

Return value

A string


  • If the object is a node-set, the string value of the first node in the set is returned.
  • A number is converted as follows:
    • NaN is converted to the string NaN.
    • Positive zero is converted to the string 0.
    • Negative zero is converted to the string 0.
    • Positive infinity is converted to the string Infinity.
    • Negative infinity is converted to the string -Infinity.
    • Decimal numbers between -1 and 1 are converted to a string with a single leading 0 before the decimal point.
    • Boolean true is converted to the string true.
    • Boolean false is converted to the string false.


Gecko support
