GitHub Discussions

On MDN Web Docs, we encourage our community to start and/or engage in discussions around topics related to the overall project. We ask that you keep each discussion focused on the topic at hand instead of covering multiple topics in one discussion.

Note: Don't report bugs in mdn/mdn-community. If you see something wrong on MDN Web Docs, open a GitHub issue in the relevant MDN GitHub repository.

If you're not sure whether to open a GitHub issue or discussion, here's what each are for:

  • Issues are for reporting bugs or tracking a work item with defined and actionable tasks and outcomes.
  • Discussions are for reaching consensus about how we're working and for defining tasks.

If your discussion doesn't progress or you're unsure of the next steps, refer to the Guidelines for managing and resolving discussions for advice on moving forward, including expectations on timelines.

Check out the subject of each discussion category below so that you can start your discussion in the proper place.

Discussion Category Discussion Subject
📣 Announcements This category is reserved for MDN Web Docs staff. While there is nothing in place to prevent others from posting here, we ask that you choose one of the other available categories.
🔮 Browser compatibility data Discussions related to the browser-compat-data project which documents web platform compatibility data for browsers.
✏️ Content Discussions related to the content on MDN Web Docs. Note: This is not the place to ask for coding assistance. If you're stuck, a good place to start is our Learn Web Development area.
🌐 Localization Discussions related to the translated-content repository covering our supported locales. This is also typically where announcements of macro deprecation will happen.
👾 MDN Plus Discussions related to the existing MDN Plus feature set as well as feature ideas. For MDN Plus support such as subscriptions, please refer to Mozilla's official support channel.
🛠️ Platform Discussions related to the core MDN Web Docs platform. Your suggestions to improve the architecture and existing features, such as navigation and search, are welcome. However, if you believe you found a bug related to the platform, please report it on the Yari repository. This is also the place for discussions related to existing tooling, such as BoB, markdown, reusable workflows, etc. NOTE: This category is not for MDN Plus-related feature discussions. There is a separate discussion category for MDN Plus.