
Baseline 2023 *
Newly available

Since January 2023, this feature works across the latest devices and browser versions. This feature might not work in older devices or browsers.

* Some parts of this feature may have varying levels of support.

The <mtable> MathML element allows you to create tables or matrices. Its children are <mtr> elements (representing rows), each of them having <mtd> elements as its children (representing cells). These elements are similar to <table>, <tr> and <td> elements of HTML.


This element's attributes include the global MathML attributes. Some browsers may also support the following attributes:

align Non-standard

Specifies the vertical alignment of the table with respect to its environment. Possible values are:

  • axis (default): The vertical center of the table aligns on the environment's axis (typically the minus sign).
  • baseline: The vertical center of the table aligns on the environment's baseline.
  • bottom: The bottom of the table aligns on the environments baseline.
  • center: See baseline.
  • top: The top of the table aligns on the environments baseline.

In addition, values of the align attribute can end with a rownumber (e.g. align="center 3"). This allows you to align the specified row of the table rather than the whole table. A negative Integer value counts rows from the bottom of the table.

columnalign Non-standard

Specifies the horizontal alignment of the cells. Multiple values separated by space are allowed and apply to the corresponding columns (e.g. columnalign="left right center"). Possible values are: left, center (default) and right.

columnlines Non-standard

Specifies column borders. Multiple values separated by space are allowed and apply to the corresponding columns (e.g. columnlines="none none solid"). Possible values are: none (default), solid and dashed.

columnspacing Non-standard

Specifies the space between table columns. Multiple values separated by space are allowed and apply to the corresponding columns (e.g. columnspacing="1em 2em"). Possible values are <length-percentage>.

frame Non-standard

Specifies borders of the entire table. Possible values are: none (default), solid and dashed.

framespacing Non-standard

Specifies additional space added between the table and frame. The first value specifies the spacing on the right and left; the second value specifies the spacing above and below. Possible values are <length-percentage>.

rowalign Non-standard

Specifies the vertical alignment of the cells. Multiple values separated by space are allowed and apply to the corresponding rows (e.g. rowalign="top bottom axis"). Possible values are: axis, baseline (default), bottom, center and top.

rowlines Non-standard

Specifies row borders. Multiple values separated by space are allowed and apply to the corresponding rows (e.g. rowlines="none none solid"). Possible values are: none (default), solid and dashed.

rowspacing Non-standard

Specifies the space between table rows. Multiple values separated by space are allowed and apply to the corresponding rows (e.g. rowspacing="1em 2em"). Possible values are <length-percentage>.

width Non-standard

A <length-percentage> indicating the width of the entire table.

Note: For the width attribute, some browsers may also accept legacy MathML lengths.


Alignment with row number

<math display="block">
  <mtable frame="solid" rowlines="solid" align="axis 3">

Technical summary


MathML Core
# table-or-matrix-mtable

Browser compatibility

See also