RTCDTMFSender: canInsertDTMF property

The canInsertDTMF read-only property of the RTCDTMFSender interface returns a boolean value which indicates whether the RTCDTMFSender is capable of sending DTMF tones over the RTCPeerConnection.


A boolean value which is true if the RTCDTMFSender is capable of sending DTMF tones, or false if it is not.


Using canInsertDTMF to check DTMF support

This example shows how to use the canInsertDTMF property to check DTMF support in a WebRTC connection and then send tones if supported.

The code first checks if the canInsertDTMF property is defined, and if so, uses it to check whether inserting DTMF tones is supported. If the feature is supported, RTCDTMFSender.insertDTMF() is called to insert a tone.

if (sender.dtmf.canInsertDTMF) {
  const duration = 500;
  sender.dtmf.insertDTMF("1234", duration);
} else {
  console.log("DTMF function not available");


WebRTC: Real-Time Communication in Browsers
# dom-rtcdtmfsender-caninsertdtmf

Browser compatibility

See also