
Note: This feature is only available in Service Workers.

The NotificationEvent interface of the Notifications API represents a notification event dispatched on the ServiceWorkerGlobalScope of a ServiceWorker.

This interface inherits from the ExtendableEvent interface.

Note: Only persistent notification events, fired at the ServiceWorkerGlobalScope object, implement the NotificationEvent interface. Non-persistent notification events, fired at the Notification object, implement the Event interface.

Event ExtendableEvent NotificationEvent



Creates a new NotificationEvent object.

Instance properties

Also inherits properties from its parent interface, ExtendableEvent.

NotificationEvent.notification Read only

Returns a Notification object representing the notification that was clicked to fire the event.

NotificationEvent.action Read only

Returns the string ID of the notification button the user clicked. This value returns an empty string if the user clicked the notification somewhere other than an action button, or the notification does not have a button.

Instance methods

Also inherits methods from its parent interface, ExtendableEvent.


self.addEventListener("notificationclick", (event) => {
  console.log(`On notification click: ${event.notification.tag}`);

  // This looks to see if the current is already open and
  // focuses if it is
        type: "window",
      .then((clientList) => {
        for (const client of clientList) {
          if (client.url === "/" && "focus" in client) return client.focus();
        if (clients.openWindow) return clients.openWindow("/");


Notifications API
# notificationevent

Note: This interface is specified in the Notifications API, but accessed through ServiceWorkerGlobalScope.

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser