MediaList: mediaText property

Baseline Widely available

This feature is well established and works across many devices and browser versions. It’s been available across browsers since September 2015.

The mediaText property of the MediaList interface is a stringifier that returns a string representing the MediaList as text, and also allows you to set a new MediaList.


A string representing the media queries of a stylesheet. Each one is separated by a comma, for example screen and (min-width: 480px), print.

If you wish to set new media queries on the document, the string value must have the different queries separated by commas, e.g. screen, print. Note that the MediaList is a live list; updating the list via mediaText will immediately update the behavior of the document.

When set to the null value, that null value is converted to the empty string (""), so ml.mediaText = null is equivalent to ml.mediaText = "".


The following would log to the console a textual representation of the MediaList of the first stylesheet applied to the current document.

const stylesheets = document.styleSheets;
let stylesheet = stylesheets[0];


CSS Object Model (CSSOM)
# dom-medialist-mediatext

Browser compatibility