
Limited availability

This feature is not Baseline because it does not work in some of the most widely-used browsers.

The PictureInPictureWindow interface represents an object able to programmatically obtain the width and height and resize event of the floating video window.

An object with this interface is obtained using the HTMLVideoElement.requestPictureInPicture() promise return value.

EventTarget PictureInPictureWindow

Instance properties

The PictureInPictureWindow interface doesn't inherit any properties.

PictureInPictureWindow.width Read only

Determines the width of the floating video window.

PictureInPictureWindow.height Read only

Determines the height of the floating video window.

Instance methods

The PictureInPictureWindow interface doesn't inherit any methods.


The PictureInPictureWindow interface doesn't inherit any events.


Sent to a PictureInPictureWindow when the floating video window is resized.


Given a <button> and a <video>, clicking the button will make the video enter the picture-in-picture mode; we then attach an event to print the floating video window dimensions to the console.

const button = document.querySelector("button");
const video = document.querySelector("video");

function printPipWindowDimensions(evt) {
  const pipWindow = evt.target;
    `The floating window dimensions are: ${pipWindow.width}x${pipWindow.height}px`,
  // will print:
  // The floating window dimensions are: 640x360px

button.onclick = () => {
  video.requestPictureInPicture().then((pictureInPictureWindow) => {
    pictureInPictureWindow.onresize = printPipWindowDimensions;


# interface-picture-in-picture-window

Browser compatibility

See also