
The CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack interface of the Media Capture and Streams API represents the video track contained in a MediaStream being generated from a <canvas> following a call to HTMLCanvasElement.captureStream().

EventTarget MediaStreamTrack CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack

Instance properties

This interface inherits the properties of its parent, MediaStreamTrack.

CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack.canvas Read only

Returns the HTMLCanvasElement object whose surface is captured in real-time.

Instance methods

This interface inherits the methods of its parent, MediaStreamTrack.


Manually forces a frame to be captured and sent to the stream. This lets applications that wish to specify the frame capture times directly do so, if they specified a frameRate of 0 when calling captureStream().


Media Capture from DOM Elements
# the-canvascapturemediastreamtrack

Browser compatibility

See also