
Baseline 2023
Newly available

Since January 2023, this feature works across the latest devices and browser versions. This feature might not work in older devices or browsers.

The <mprescripts> MathML element is used within an <mmultiscripts> element to indicate the start of the pre-scripts elements (subscripts and superscripts that are placed before the base expression).


This element supports global MathML attributes.


The first <mmultiscripts> child element becomes a base expression. The remaining children by default become post-scripts elements (a, b). <mprescripts> acts as a separator, and children after it become pre-scripts elements (c, d).

<math display="block">
    <mi>X</mi> <!-- base expression -->
    <mi>a</mi> <!-- post-sub-script -->
    <mi>b</mi> <!-- post-sup-script -->
    <mprescripts />
    <mi>c</mi> <!-- pre-sub-script -->
    <mi>d</mi> <!-- pre-sup-script -->

Technical summary


MathML Core
# prescripts-and-tensor-indices-mmultiscripts

Browser compatibility

See also