WebSocketStream: closed property

Experimental: This is an experimental technology
Check the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.

The closed read-only property of the WebSocketStream interface returns a Promise that fulfills with an object once the socket connection is closed. The object contains the closing code and reason.


A promise, which fulfills with an object containing the following properties:


A number representing the closing code (see the full list of CloseEvent status codes).


A string representing a human-readable description of the reason why the socket connection was closed.

The promise rejects if the WebSocket connection did not close cleanly (for a clean close, the associated TCP connection must be closed after the WebSocket closing handshake is completed).


const wsURL = "wss://";
const wss = new WebSocketStream(wsURL);

wss.closed.then((result) => {
    `DISCONNECTED: code ${result.closeCode}, message "${result.reason}"`,
  console.log("Socket closed", result.closeCode, result.reason);

See Using WebSocketStream to write a client for a complete example with full explanation.


Not currently a part of any specification. See https://github.com/whatwg/websockets/pull/48 for standardization progress.

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also