URLPattern: URLPattern() constructor

Limited availability

This feature is not Baseline because it does not work in some of the most widely-used browsers.

Experimental: This is an experimental technology
Check the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.

Note: This feature is available in Web Workers.

The URLPattern() constructor returns a new URLPattern object representing the url pattern defined by the parameters.


new URLPattern(input)
new URLPattern(input, baseURL)
new URLPattern(input, options)
new URLPattern(input, baseURL, options)



The input pattern that will be used for matching. This can either be a string, or an object providing patterns for each URL part individually. The object members can be any of:

  • protocol
  • username
  • password
  • hostname
  • port
  • pathname
  • search
  • hash
  • baseURL

Note: Omitted parts of the object will be treated as wildcards (*).

baseURL Optional

A string representing the base URL to use in cases where input is a relative pattern. If not specified, it defaults to undefined.

options Optional

An object providing options for matching the given pattern. The possible object members are as follows:

ignoreCase Optional

Enables case-insensitive matching if set to true. If omitted or set to false, matching will be case-sensitive.



Indicates one of the following:

  • The given input or baseURL is not valid or syntactically correct.
  • The given input is relative, but no baseURL is provided to form a complete absolute URL.
  • A baseURL is provided, and input is an absolute pattern or a structured object.


Matching a pathname

let pattern1 = new URLPattern("https://example.com/books/:id");

// same as
let pattern2 = new URLPattern("/books/:id", "https://example.com");

// or
let pattern3 = new URLPattern({
  protocol: "https",
  hostname: "example.com",
  pathname: "/books/:id",

// or
let pattern4 = new URLPattern({
  pathname: "/books/:id",
  baseURL: "https://example.com",

Match the protocol and hostname

let pattern = new URLPattern({
  protocol: "http{s}?",
  hostname: ":subdomain.example.com",

Match all possible structured parts

let pattern = new URLPattern({
  protocol: "http{s}?",
  username: ":username",
  password: ":password",
  hostname: ":subdomain.example.com",
  port: ":port(80|443)",
  pathname: "/:path",
  search: "*",
  hash: "*",

Case-insensitive matching

// Case-sensitive matching by default
const pattern = new URLPattern("https://example.com/2022/feb/*");
console.log(pattern.test("https://example.com/2022/feb/xc44rsz")); // true
console.log(pattern.test("https://example.com/2022/Feb/xc44rsz")); // false

Setting the ignoreCase option to true in the constructor switches all matching operations to case-insensitive for the given pattern:

// Case-insensitive matching
const pattern = new URLPattern("https://example.com/2022/feb/*", {
  ignoreCase: true,
console.log(pattern.test("https://example.com/2022/feb/xc44rsz")); // true
console.log(pattern.test("https://example.com/2022/Feb/xc44rsz")); // true

Usage notes

The URLPattern constructor's input pattern can take two forms — a pattern object, or a pattern string and optional baseURL.

new URLPattern(obj);
new URLPattern(pattern);
new URLPattern(pattern, baseURL);

The first type of constructor takes an object that describes the URLs that should be matched by specifying patterns for each individual URL part. Its members can be any of protocol, username, password, hostname, port, pathname, search, hash, or baseURL. If the baseURL property is provided it will be parsed as a URL and used to populate any other properties that are missing. If the baseURL property is missing, then any other missing properties default to the pattern * wildcard, accepting any input.

The second type of constructor takes a URL string that contains patterns embedded in it. The URL string may be relative if a baseURL is provided as the second argument. Note that it may be necessary to escape some characters in the URL string if it is ambiguous whether the character is separating different URL components or is part of a pattern. For example, you must write about\\:blank to indicate that the : is the protocol suffix and not the start of a :blank named group pattern.


URL Pattern
# dom-urlpattern-urlpattern

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also

  • A polyfill of URLPattern is available on GitHub